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Amelia was unaware of just how long she had been locked up in Sam's dingy apartment for. Her mind was currently a cluster fuck of various thoughts and feelings. The most prominent thought being about the wellbeing of her baby. Amelia silently prayed that both her and her baby would make it out of this alive.

She was sure she had been with Sam for at least a full day. She was thankful for the brief moments that he left her in peace, he had spent most of the day so far sitting in a chair opposite Amelia, merely staring at her.

She had time to digest all the information he had told her and it all finally started to make sense in Amelia's mind. He was always there, any time something happened he managed to be around.  He popped up in her life out of nowhere, pretending to love Lucy just so he could get closer to her. Killing innocent girls just because he couldn't get to live out his sick fantasy of being with Amelia.

Amelia thought back to her photoshoot when he just so happened to be there to pick up Lucy.

When he came to say goodbye to both her and Lucy before the Italy trip, when they pretend to be going to NYC. All this time her stalker knew exactly where she was.

He was there at her family BBQ, her pool party, her birthday party, meetings with Lucy.

He was everywhere.

And now here he was, sat opposite Amelia looking at her with a faint smile on his face, saying nothing.

Amelia forced herself to stay awake in his presence, not trusting herself to fall asleep around him. She tried to distract herself from his staring statue like position, to take a look around the dingy apartment. The issue with his apartment was the fact the walls were covered with violating photo's of herself, she couldn't look in one spot for too long without feeling sick.

She sat quietly as her eyes darted around the room, trying to find something to occupy herself with. Instead, she decided to rest her eyes for just a moment, it was okay as long as she didn't fall asleep.


A small smile formed on Amelia's face as she looked to Santiago. There he stood, looking as handsome as the last time Amelia saw him, smiling down at the bundle of joy that was securely wrapped in his arms.

Amelia's heart skipped as Santiago looked over to her, a smile on his own face as he looked back down to their baby.

She slowly walked over to the two of them, tears forming in her eyes as she looked at the two most important people in her life. Santiago had a handful of blanket in his arms, Amelia was unable to see the babies face but she knew it was their baby.

"We did it 'Melia" Santiago's deep voice spoke.

"I've missed you Santi." Amelia said as she smiled up at him.

"I know you did baby, but I promise I'll never leave you again okay."

Amelia kept quiet, holding onto the promise in Santiago's words.

She held her breath as he leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. Missing the feeling of his mouth on hers she returned the kiss, ready to enjoy the familiar taste of his lips on hers.

Expecting to feel the warmth of Santiago's mouth, Amelia was disappointed.

His mouth felt slimy and cold, something she would never associate with kissing Santiago. She tried to move her head back to separate herself from him but she was unable to. The constant feeling of him kissing her was beginning to feel suffocating.

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