after looking at tiktoks we both got tired and it was obvious.
"do you want to me to take you home?"i asked nessa, "yeah?"she said getting up
"okay meet me in the car"i say
i grab the keys and slide my vans on and walk out the door, nessa was in the car already waiting
i get in the car and start the car and start driving her back, she doesn't live too far from me, only like 8 blocks from me.
i end up at her drive way and we say out goodbyes and she leaves and i drive back.
i get into my room and close my door and go to sleep.the next morning i got up and did my usual routine and head downstairs just like every other day.
"hey mom, i forgot to tell you that next week im going to new York"
"really?...for what?" she asked, "for an assignment about tourists" i reply
"ou that sounds interesting"she smiled.
"yeah we have partners we have to go around with" i basically explain what the teacher told us
"so who your partner?" she asked pouring orange juice
"this guy named jaden?" i tell her.
"interesting" she says
"oh and i forgot to say, that tonight, one of my colleagues reached out to me and i invited her and her son for dinner tonight at 7" she told me, "oh okay" i reply
i hear a honk outside.
"well looks like Anthony's here" i said as i slipped my shoes on as i opened the door
"remember to be here at 7 for the dinner" she yelled as i closed the door, "got it!" i yelled from outside
i walk to the car and get in
"so what were you doing last night?" Anthony asked
"with nessa watching movies and playing games?" i answered
he looked at me and nodded and we drove to school and i walked in and i walked to my locker where the girls are.
"sup dyll" avani said
"heyy"i reply giving her a hug
"so, anyone have any news?"avani asks
"im going to new York next week and the worst of it is.. jaden has to be my partner?" i did a gagging motion afterwards
"wow do you really hate me THAT much?" someone said behind me
i turned around and of course it was jaden.
"yeah pretty much"i answered crossing my arms.
"wow, that hurts me" he said holding his hand over his heart squinting his eyes and grinning.
"i hope" Anthony says behind me
"was i talking to you?" jaden glares at him
"how was the black eye feeling for ya?" he continued
"could've done better?, anyways, gonna have to get used to me for a week since we'll be partners?" he glanced at me.
"whatever?" i walk away as everyone else walks with me
"see, exactly, ill have to deal with his dumb-ass for a week?" i spoke.
"on the bright side you'll get to visit New York?"avani said shrugging her shoulders
"yeah i guess thats cool, i just wish one of you were in my class?" i said was we walked to our table.
"so anyone have any plans after school?" Anthony asked
"nope" we all said
"well not exactly i have dinner at 7 with my mom"i reply
"oh, okay got it" they said
we finished up and went to our classes.T: okay today you need to get with your trip partner and discuss where you'll go and the duo schedule, meaning explain where you are gonna eat and go so you aint tryna find a place last minute, makes sense?..if not make it make sense" she said annoyed.
i was nervous so i just sat there and let jaden come to me
"howdy partner" he said
"can we just get this over with?" i rolled my eyes
"not with that attitude no, well be here all day?" he mocked
"ugh fine, what are we gonna do?"i scooted closer
we discussed our plan and what we were doing, which quite frankly i did mostly as all jaden did was nod and say sure, he wasn't much help
the bell rang and we left class.
(a/n: hope you all are having a good day/night and make sure to eat and drink water x)
my bully~jaden hossler
Randomdyllan hill's bully is jaden, they forgive each-other, but then...