t h i r t y - o n e

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"i mean yeah, why not?"i smile
"yess" he says with excitement.
he laughs, the waitress walks up to us and take's their notepad out.
"hello what would you two like?"the waitress asks
"can we get the 2-person sundae, please and thank you"kio smiles
"coming right up" the waitress smiles
they leave and im sitting across kio as he stares at me.
"Mr.cyrr, hello?"i say waving my hand in front of him
"oh sorry" he says.
i just smile at him and he smiles back
he slowly reaches for my hand and i allow him.
he grabs my hand and interlocking it with his and i blush red.
"awe, is dylly blushing"kio laughs 
"shut up" i say planting my face in my arm
i calm down and we just hold hands
"so we leave at 8, right?"kio asks
"yes, ill go home an my dad is dropping me off and we get on, wait do you have a ride or?" i ask
"no?"he answers
"wait then how'd you get here?"i ask
"i walk, i dont live to far from here"he says
"i'll find a ri-" i cut him off
"no if you want i can pick you up??"i ask
"yeah that'd be great if you can?"he says
"okay, ill be by your house later then" i smile.
"wait, is Anthony coming?"kio asks.
"he can't he has to help his mother"i say
"why cant someone else help her?"he asks
"he said he rather would"i answer
"oh, cant he get someone he trusts and knows to watch him?"he says
"even if he does he wouldn't be able to come?"i say
"why not?"he asks
"spots are full, you,nessa,my brother,avani,and jaden and me" i answer
"oh, makes sense, that sucks"he says 
i nod to his reply.
"here we are" the waitress drops our sundae off 
"thank you" i say
"your very welcome, enjoy your sundae" they smile.
i eye the sundae down as does kio
"this looks so good"kio says
"i know right" i say
i grab the straw next to me, i remove the wrapper and i stick it in the sundae.
i start taking sips and kio is looking at me then he puts ice cream on my forehead
"simbaa" he chants
"omg kio, your such a child" i laugh
"you could say that"he smirks and shruggs
i start eating and its so good
 i hear my phone ring 
"who's that?"kio asks
"oh its jack" i say
i answer it put the phone up to my ear

on the phone with jack   (underline: you  bold: other backround is italic

me:hey jack, whats up
j:hey, so this is about the trip
me:yeah, what about it
j:so, i kinda talked to Anthony and his mother and,lisa would gladly let me watch her for 2 days so Anthony can go with you.
me:jackkk, why'd did you do that?
j:i know i know im sorry but anthony deserves to go and have fun, and id happily watch her
me:okay, well wheres's lisa at?
j:she is right here...
L:hey dear
me:hey lisa, so are you okay with this?
L:yes, im more than glad, anthony needs to go have fun, not sit here and miss out because of me ,
ant:mom im just okay watching you

L:oh shush it anthony, go get packed young man your going on that cruise ride


me:okay well tell Anthony ill pick him up in an hour

L:okay dear, i love you have fun.

i hang up

"i guess Anthony's coming then" i smile
"lets goo" kio laughs
we finish our sundae and i put my sweater on
"we ready to go?"i ask
"yeah" he says getting up.
we go to the front and pay for the sundae and we head towards the door.
"so are you ready for the cruise?"i smile
"more than ready" he smile
kio wraps his arm around me and i lean my head against his shoulder as we walk outside.
"so today was fun, and i cant wait for the cruise ride."kio smiles
we stand outside near my car and we are facing each-other 
"yeah i enjoyed the sundae and your company kio, it was alot of fun"i smile
kio smiles and caresses my cheek and he stares at me with a smile, as do i
i put my arms around his torso.
He puts the side of his index finger under my chin and lifts my head up to face his level
he leans in connecting our lips,i get butterflies and i continue to kiss him , i wrap my arms around his neck and shoulders,he goes down to my neck and kisses my neck giving me shivers
he moves back up to my lips.
i tippy toe to get more of a height to him
he laughs continuing the kiss
i pull away and smile. 
"okay, ill see you later" i smile giving him a kiss on the cheek
kio waves away as i get in the car.
i start the car up and i head home
by the time i get home its about 7
i walk into my house and i see jack
"hey jack" i smile
"hey" he says
"so when do you go to Lisa's?" i ask
jack adjusts himself against the counter and interlocks his hands
"dad is going to drop me off when you go to pick up Anthony" he says
"got it" i smile
i give him a side hug and i head upstairs and sit on my bed 
i get dressed and i put my bags in the car waiting for the time to arrive.
i head back upstairs and i go out to the balcony and just wait.

my bully~jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now