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"hey, wheres the extra fitting sheets!" my mom yells
"i think they're in the hall closet!" i yell back
it goes quiet and i hear shuffling around until " ok found em, thanks honey!" 
I yell back "yep!"

Now back to what I was doing
I'm fixing a project that was due yesterday for science...it's a homemade snow globe..sure I don't know what im doing but..it's the effort that counts right?, its now thursday.

I hear a ding at the door and yell "I got it!" I walk down the stairs and to the door
I open it and revealing behind the door was jaden
"Oh..h-hey jaden" I stutter
"Did you just stutter?" He asks
"What ever,  what do you want?" I ask.
"Oh just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach, you know..how we used to?" He says sticking his hands in his pockets

"Oh yeah ,sure" I nod
I walk out yelling "going with jaden!" grabbing my slides and we walk to his car
"Ready?" He asks
"Ready as I'll ever be" I grin
He nods and we drive off to the beach
I haven't been to the beach in a long time , and it obviously was gonna be an amazing feeling.

Getting to the beach we go to our normal area and we sit
"So how you been since I left?" He asks
"I've been good, how have u been?" I smile
He fixes his posture and shifts his body towards me and speaks " ive been good, had a good time visiting my family" he smiles
"Oh okay, that's good" I giggle
" your still boring you know" jaden laughs
"Oh shut it jaden" I nudge his arm
"Well it's just the truth" he smirks
"Not like you ain't boring either" I roll my eyes playfully
"what are you on, im the living definition of entertainment, your the living defiention of obnoxious" he flicks his wrist in a girly manner
"oh so fun" i squint my eyes and straighten my mouth.

we laugh and talked for a bit until the sun starts going down and it it shines
"oh look, its so pretty"jaden stops
i look and i back to jaden as the sun shines to his eyes and brightens his eyes so bright i got lost in them, he looks at me and does the same, we just stare at each-other but the worst of the worst happens, 
he starts leaning in and so do i, my head spins with the same words repeating over and over again ' he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend'
he closes his eyes and i open mine and i gasp quietly
"jaden.."i stutter
he looks at me and hitches his breath
"look.., you have a gf and i have a bf, we can't.." i say 
"yeah yeah... right ...uhm, sorry" he says turning red
i look at him and i kiss his cheek
"i hope we can still be friends" i smile
he smiles and says " best-friends?"he says
i nod giggling and and i give him a hug
we continue to laugh and enjoy each-others company until it was completely dark.

he takes me home and with that i ponder for the rest of the night.

my bully~jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now