s e v e n t y - s i x

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"will you dyllan hill....finally.....be my girlfriend??" he says looking into my eyes
getting lost in his crystal blue eyes I process what he had just asked me
"jaden-" I say before he interrupts me
"dyllan..no..please...I'm sorry for every fuck up,..but...i-.. I can't take a no from you, I cant, dyllan....I n-need you" he sniffles and stutters "I'm so sorry about everything , the bad the misunderstanding. .ju-just everything" jaden says quickly starting to tears
"jaden,jaden,jaden" I giggle and hold his face
he sniffles and quiets down.
" you didn't let me finish" I smile along with a small chuckle
his tears stop and looks at me and sniffles and wipes his nose
"jaden, I like you SO much, and you have no idea how long ive waited for you to ask me that" I smile with tears
"so?" he giggles and sniffles again
I stand and think with a smile on my face already knowing my answer
" I say......I dyllan hill....will be jaden hosslers girlfriend from here on out" I giggle into his shoulder and squish him into a hug
"FUCKING FINALLY" jaden says spinning me around and then kisses me
"I can finally call you my gf" he says crying with a small giggle
"awww, don't cry" I say holding his cheek
"I'm so happy though" he says with his lip out
"me too" I say letting a tear fall
he wipes it and sighs
"so how about we watch a movie?" he asks

"why not" I smirk
"you pick, there's movies up there or we can go on Netflix" he shrugs
"uhmmm..how bout we just go back to the dance?" I ask?
"even better" he smiles grabbing my waist and and kissing my cheek
"let's go than" I giggle

we head out to the car and drive back to the school.

"wait" he says
he gets out of the car and opens my door
"here you go m'lady" he bows
"why thank you" I smile and nod
I step out in hand with Jaden and walk into the building

heading into the gym doors to see kio on top of Anthony 
"GET OFF OF HIM NOW!" Avani yelled
"YOU FUCKING BITCH NEVER KNOWS HOW TO KEEP HIS DAMN MOUTH SHUT" kio yells throwing punches as Anthony is literally unconcious
"BRO STOP NOW...YOUR GONNA KILL HIM GET OFF OF HIM!"Jaden said  pushing him off of kio
"he fucking deserved it!!"kio says still trying to get at him
"no!, KIO NO....YOUR BITCHASS CAN GO HOME AND STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND AND MY FRIENDS" jaden yelled as i cover my mouth not realizing he really just said that
nessa and them cover their mouths but still getting their attention to anthony on the ground
"what?-, dylla-" kio says 
he just shakes his head and runs out.

my bully~jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now