s e v e n t y - f i v e

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(A/n:so sorry for not updating y'all, I just haven't had the time to do this, I moved back to school, I'll try to continue ths story but other than that hope y'all still enjoy)

after dancing around like maniacs they finally put on some slow dance music and the I smile as everyone starts pairing up and I see jaden beside a few people, he catches my eye, he smiles as he walks towards me, it was all going in slow motion for me, he smiled even more when he got to me
"may I have this dance?" jaden says with his hand out
I smile widely place my hand in his.
"you may" I say taking his hand
I slowly wrap my arm around his neck as the other holds his hand and his other hand rests on my waist
"I love this song" I smile
He laughs
"I want this to play at our prom" jaden whispers thinking I didn't hear him.
I lift my head up in confusion
"our?" I say
"oh-well ..no-.. i didn-" jaden said going red before I crashed my lips onto his
and in sync we both dance
I pulled away and smiles and held his cheek
"i-" jaden hesitated
I smile at him at how cute he is when  is flustered
"your cute you know" I smile
" not as Much as you are" jaden smiles
" oh shut up" I scoff and laugh
"well its true, your just so fucking adorable I just wanna squish you" jaden laughs
"that would kill me" I say
"exac- nah I'm just kidding" jaden smiles
I laugh and just enjoy his presence
after everything we have been through, I'm gonna trust It this time...I really am, because jaden is a genuine person, he is the most caring person I know..and I'm proud to call him my "friend" (wink lol)

"dyllan.." jaden trailed
I look to his eyes
"c-can I take you somewhere?" he asks gulping his words
I hesitate to answer but I bit my lip and nod
"mkay, let's go" he nods
I look at nessa and I raise my eyebrows and I wave
she raises one of her eyebrows in confusion but then gets it then smirks, nods and waves back
"where we going" I ask
"You'll see" he smiles holding onto my hand
we get into his car and he drives off into the road
"please tell me where we are going" I whine
" then it wouldn't be a suprise now would it" jaden smirk
"hey I don't like surprises" I cross my arms
" well to bad" jaden sticks his bottom lip out
"shush before I stitch your mouth shut hossler" I grin
"oou, I like the name" jaden smirked
"don't get too full of yourself now" I say with a wide grin
"oh with pleasure" jaden says with a funny accent
"haha funny, were not gonna pretend like you didn't just...sing your heart out to a girl" I say looking up with lovey dovey eyes and place my hands against my chest
jaden placing his Hand Under his chin says "I wonder who?"
"oh whatever" I giggle pushing his shoulder

he smiles and I smile back
at this point were driving near a bridge and some trees
"are you murdering me now hossler?" I ask
"And how did you know...-...no I would never try to kill you" he says
"I'd never hurt you, wait I mean like, future tense, I know or hurt you before, I didn't mean it like that I jus-"
"I get it jay.....just shut up" I say before I kiss his cheek
he goes red as I could just tell by his expression
"are you blushing??" I say in aw
"what no..I'm not" he says looking the other way
"oh come on" I giggle
"mkay maybe a little" he smiles under his breath
"that's what I thought" I smile crossing my arms
he shakes his head and laughs as he pulls into a gravel road, there was lights leading down the road
it looks sketchy
he stops and car in front of a shack and gets out and walks to my side.
"okay I kid you not if it's some scary shit I will call nessa and them to pick me up" I say with my hands in my face
"no no no..dyllan cmon I promise I'm not gonna kill you or scare you, I planned this out I promise" jaden says reaching for my hand
I grab his hand and he walks me to the shack
"so I found this month's ago and I decided to clean it up a bit, it was worse looking than this..trust me ...but the cool part about this is...just come inside" he says opening the door
I walk in and it's not what I expected it to look like...the floor furnished,stairs leading up to a bed and nice sheeting, a couch with nice round pillows, and a nice silver fridge, curtains and LEDs. stuck around the whole place
"jaden i-.." I say
"this is ...amazing" I say looking around as jaden turns the LEDs on to a light purple and turning the fairy lights on from the couch.
"you like it" he asks
"I love it" I smile
he smiles back and he puts his arms around me and resting on my waist
"you know, ever since I've gotten to know you , its been probably the most memorable thing I've ever gotten to experience in my life, yeah we've had our goods and our bads, but you being you, showing what you can be,what you truly have become, it's all a dream, well for me, but what im trying to say is, dyllan, I like you, like alot, and yes I know ive fucked up in the past, I know and I don't know how much I want to punch myself in the face to help you realize how fucking stupid I feel, for not just hurting you, but for making you feel like you're not enough, when in reality, dyllan....you are more than enough, your perfect, and I want you to be mine, I want to spend my time with you" jaden says
I am in tears as my arm wrapped around him
I lean in and I crash my lips onto his, butterflies swarming my stomach

jaden pulls away
"be mine" he says softly
I look at him and he sighs...

"will you be my girlfriend?"

my bully~jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now