(4/2) Alpha.

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Sim Soo-Yun had never imagined she'd meet Han Seo-Jun like this. Now he knew who her father was.

And wierdly, she found it rather comforting.

She crossed her arms and stepped aside, letting his mother, Lee Mi Hyang enter and she smirked at the tall boy.

" Good to see you again. " She closed the door, leaning against it. Seo-Jun raised an eyebrow, " Aw.. Good to know you're warming up to me. "

Soo-Yun rolled her eyes, smiling as she walked past him, " You're just annoying. Could you even blame me? "

Seo-Jun smirked to himself as he sat beside his mother, " Omo! You two know each other? " She asked and Soo-Yun smiled wide.

" Yes, " She smirked, lookig at Seo-Jun,
" Didn't you tell her? We're like best friends. " She smiled wide.

Mi Hyang widened her eyes, " Wow! That's a good news. " She marvelled, facing her son, " Why didn't you tell me? "

Seo-Jun blinked, " Just because. " He shrugged, looking at Soo-Yun questioningly. The blonde shot him a grin just to annoy him more,
" Appa must be on his way. Do you mind some tea or coffee? "

Seo-Jun shook his head, leaning back in  couch. He just couldn't believe Soo-Yun was so experienced in being sweet and annoying all at once.

But it surprised him to see how different she was from in school.
At school, she was cold and always scaring students, while in home, she was this welcoming soft girl.

He was very wierded out by the fact that he found her so much like himself.
The bad girl image but softie inside. He internally rolled his eyes at himself.

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