Chapter:-30 Never Was Never Will Be...

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Third person's p.o.v

Aria fainted without saying anything further, the person panicked for a while, Aria was unconscious in his arms and he has no idea what to do, hos mind just wasn't working.

So he stood there like a statue, looking at her, she looked pale and a bit malnourished, "was she being fed... Is she taking care of herself and what about the babies..." He picks her up in his arms and went towards the maik hall, but when he is just near the stairs, he stops abruptly.

Changing his path, as if something just clicked his mind, he takes her to one of the rooms situated upstairs.

Gently placing her on the bed, he sits beside her, his hands itched to touch her to make sure that she was finally here. He took some water and sprinkled it on her face gently.

Her eyes flickered open very slowly, she blinks them few times, her eyes roam seeing the unfamiliar surrounding, she was about to panick when, she sees someone very familiar.

"I... I..." She couldn't form any words and ends up hugging that person and he was hesitant at first but then gently wraps his hands  around her.

"Shhh... Everything is fine.." he tries to calm her down.

"No nothing is fine never was and never will be... You said that if I did this they will hate me less... That they will treat me as thier own... You never told me... That this was going to be so damn hard... Never told that I'll be tested on each step... You lied you lied..." She hugs him and cries hard.

"Shhh... Ari.. I'm trying to help you I really am, but it's not working... I really thought it will help but it didn't... I don't know what to do now..." He says.

"You can't do anything my life is ruined... Now my baby is also involved. You know the only thing I fear is that my baby will have to undergo the same pain of being left alone, not being enough... Never expercing what it's to be loved by your parents, my poor baby where his/her father already despises, them before being born..."

"I never want my baby to feel it never.. you don't know how it feels no one will ever.. you know what just leave me alone like everyone does go to them... I'll pretend as if we never met..."she pushed the person aside.

"Ari.. I" he tries to say someone but she just turns head in opposite direction. 

"I'll do everything in my power to make it all right.." he said retreating back from the room.

Just he was about to go down he bumped with someone, that women apologized to him, running frantically.

She goes to the first room, checks it and finds it empty, it makes her sad when the room was empty. She goes to other room and enters it.

Aria's mother in law entered the room
"Oh dear you are here.. I was so worried, you know are you ok, why are you here..." She sits beside her.

"I'm okay just a bit dizzy..."

"I think we should go back and head home, this is not good for you or the babies..." Her mother in law helps her up and they make their way down.

Brandon was there talking to some women, who was literally flirting with him, but he shrugged her off,.making a distance form her.

" Hmm I don't think that your boyfriend will be happy seeing you being all flirty with me, hell if I was your boyfriend I would have left you a long time ago, don't know why Joy bears with you, he could get someone who is loyal to him, and appreciate him the way he deserves" he waves at a guy, who waves back.

"Excuse me that was really rude, I was just trying to be friendly.." the women said.

"Ohh my mistake I didn't knew being all touchy and literally rubbing yourself on some one is being friendly, I'll keep that in mind, damn I'm really lacking behind so much things, but thank you I don't wanna be your friend either..." He gives a very sarcastic smile.  He turns back and saw his mom standing beside Aria, his mom had a smrick.

"You never change do you, she says sternly..." He just shrugs it off. Then his eyes set on Aria.

"You where were you, leaving me in the mid dance, you know how embraced I was.. I had to dance with her.." he points at the previous women. "Never do that again..." He storms outside.

"Is he bipolar or something..." Was the only thought in Aria's head.

So here is an update I know I know. Very late... I'm sorry, and I know you guys were waiting for it.

I'm sorry I don't get much free time and since now my exams started now Im more busy.

But do tell me how the chapter was. ❤️

Stay safe guys and take care

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