Chapter:-5 Ever heard of BLACK MAMBA...

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Third person's p.o.v

She leaves the room in hurry and shocked at what he said, he called her a whore, she couldn't decide what hurt more the fact that he called her a whore or the fact that she believes what he said was true.

"I'm indeed a whore... I slept with someone without knowing that person... If this is not true then what is... I'm really a...." She cries covering her face with her hands.

She does her work without interaction more like those whom she thought her friends was, they simply ditched her made a disgusted face when ever she tries to approach them, finally feeling defeated she goes back to her work. " Hey Char... Would you like to have lunch in the nearby cafe..." The girl looks at her as if Aria is some kind of disease. "It's Charlie...  for you and just to let you know I don't talk to whore and gold diggers for the matter of fact so you can take your sorry ass, where you want but please don't bother me... I don't want to be with such a person... For whom money is everything..." Aria's hear broke once again what was happening with her, in morning she found herself in such a devastating position, then her boss calls her a whore and now her friends... Ex- friends are calling her a gold digger and what not. "It's all my mistake..." She thought. If only I stayed at home instead of going with Andrew then all of this would have been prevented, but it's already done and she can't do anything to change it, there is only one person who can tell her what happened and that person is not here and is not going to be here for mean time.

Finally her work was done and she could go back to her home, not home another hell, she believed that nothing can be more wrost then her home, but the people in her office made her believe that may be she was more safe in the closed walls of her house then this world. Sighing she palced all her things in her bag and made her way outside the building. "Shit... Why does it have to rain now..." She looks at the time it was half past eleven, quite late she knew, but her boss asked her to arrange all the documents then prepare his schedule for the next day, she was tired as hell, her legs were aching and her hands felt numb from all the typing she did.

She waited and waited for the rain to stop or to even see if any vehicle was there but her bad luck the road was empty. When finally her boss came from behind and without giving her a single glance he rushed to his car. "What were you thinking that he will give a lift... Only in your dreams..." Her subconscious mockes her. A car pulled and stops in front if her and in that was her boss, for a second she felt happy that even being angry in her he's helping her, but his words broke her hope. "I want all my documents to be ready tomorrow and if you want to sleep with someone just don't come tomorrow... I don't want tarnish the reputation of my company by keeping someone as you..." In blink of eye the car passed her and became invisible to her eyes.

She stayed in her position for God know how long, but the things he did made her feel more dejected. "Oh... Right the documents..." If anyone passes her, they will think that she is insane but is she really, here she is standing in the rain at night that to alone, her boss had the nerve to stop his car only to remind her of the documents and rub it on her face that she is someone who is willing to sleep with anyone without any care of world.

Feeling her eyes wet, she thought maybe it was rain, but it wasn't only the rain wetting her face but also her tears, she walks in the rain with her hung low. She is walking alone on the road, when she feels someone was following her, she looks back but finds no one, again she can feel someone's stare on her. "There is nothing Aria... Take a deep breath and let's go... Mam and sir won't be happy to know I'm still out..."

"Gotcha..." Someone shouts and her heart stops, there are four guys in front of her, and they all looked drunk, she tries to walk fast, but one of them grabs her, pulling her till the point, where she can feel his hard dick. " No not this... Not now... Please... No god..." She screams with all her might when other guy pushes the strap of her dress till her stomach, her strapless bra was visible and all those hickies. "Guys look this slut had her fun, we all know what these are... Tell us your price we can pay you... Just don't do this shit of screaming and protest... It kills the mood..." He corner's her and force her to bend down, so she is facing opposite direction, with her hands pulled back he lifts her dress, while others look at them with lust filled eyes.

They all were in the rain and all the hopes of getting away from them had left her, she was just waiting for this to end, tires screech and a very familiar person comes out of the car. For a second she looks at him, but realizing who it was her hope dies. "He is just here to remind you, who you really are Aria..." Her mind screams at her and she believes it.

"Ralf... Take these bastards... and lock them in the BLACK ROOM..." The man named Ralf went to them, when one of them dared to ask him "who the hell are you can't you see... We are doing something important... You don't know who we are... And what we can do to you..." He smriks "oh I will wait for you do anything but before that know whom you are disrespecting..."

"I'm the right hand of my boss you do know SCORPION ... asshole...." The man pulls her hair harshly making her look directly at Brandon's eyes, but he didn't even spare her a glance.

"Ever heard of BLACK MAMBA..." and the guy pales his grip losses looking at Brandon who have a sly smrike on his face.

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