Chapter:-18 What wrost is...

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Third person's p.o.v

Aria was in her room, she felt a bit better now and was able to move with less difficulty. So she took a long bubble bath and after relaxing her muscles, went out of her room. She came downstairs and felt hungry, opned the fridge to make something to eat but to her surprise there was a sandwich there. She smiles maybe just maybe there is still a hope for her baby and her.

"Baby there is a hope... I can feel it... Maybe he will let me have my baby... But what if he is only doing it so he can torture me more" She rubs her stomach softly. When the bell rang, she opened the door and there was someone totally unexpected.

"You..." Her eyes had tears, she moves forward to hug but the person stops her, her tears were flowing continouesly, she could  feel whatever strength she had crumbling down.

"I missed you guys... Are you here to.." the women stops her in middle "look we are not here to hear some bullshit, we are here for something important.." she looks at her husband and then at Aria, finally her eyes roam examines the house.

"I must say you are lucky to have a rich husband..." She sits down with her husband and Anna.

"Mom... Mam... Sir you guys are here to take me home..." She asked them with high hopes. The women tsked looking as if Aria had lost her mind. "Why would we do that... Your husband must be taking care of you... But we are not here for that, there is something very important you need to know..." The women who was also Aria's mom asked her to sit down.

"Look you remember the mess you created, so that guy came to my house and he threatened to kill you once he finds you..." Aria nods her head.

"I'm just here to tell you to keep your mouth shut just say you don't know anything or I don't know what I'll do... He said he will not only kill you but destroy our family as well and I don't want more damage to my family... The one you cost still hurts..." She wipes her tears.

Aria felt sad seeing her mom so sad, but she never told her the reason why she hated Aria so much or why she was never considered as there child, why only Anna given the privilege as there daughter, why she was introduced to the world as their only daughter and Aria was kept hidden as of a dirty secret, well she was a secret.

"Mom.. please don't say that... I don't know what I did but I'm sorry for it, just give me one chance I'll try my best to be the daughter you want..." She moves to her mother, her mom pulls her gently.

"You can't undo it, so don't even try... I just want you to live your life and leave our life, I only have my daughter Anna and I don't want anything happening to her... She helped you in the mess but if that guy funds you, you being the person will definitely say it was my Anna's fault to seem as a innocent person..." Aria was hurt, did her mom really thinks so low of her, why would she do that to her own sister, she was at fault it was her, who was responsible for the accident, Anna was helping her, she can't do that to her own sister.

"Anna I swear on my child, I would never do anything to hurt any one of you, even though you don't see me as your sister but you were always my elder sis, and I love you..." Anna gives her a bore look. "Mom I'm out of here, once you guys are done talking call me..." She leaves with her mom and dad.

"Look we don't want anything else from you, just don't ever get caught by that person and don't do anything stupid. Aria wanted to laugh at her parents.

They were sitting in the house of the very person they were talking about, the same person they are warning her to stay away from.

"You guys know who is that person..." She asked them. Her mom and dad looked at her as of she has two heads.

"Brandon Knight... He is a dangerous guy... I have heard he is in mafia also..." Her dad spoke for the first time.

"You guys think he won't find me ever, guess what... He already knows about me.." he mom looked shocked.

"You should leave this city... No you should leave this country..." Aria only chuckle at them.

"I can't .." her mom was so angry on her. "What do you mean, you. Can't... Are you deliberately trying to her caught so you could kill my other child as well..." She screams at her. "You will leave this country tonight... Go where ever you want just don't ever show your face to anyone here..." Aria was angry but she was more hurt.

"You think I didn't try to leavve this country, that I never tried to run... But guess what I'm caught each and every time I do... Now I can't even do that...
You want to know the reason.." she grabs her mom's shoulders and jerks her.

"He will kill my child, he said he won't even leave the life growing inside me... He is a monster... Who wants to kill an innocent child..." Her mom looks at her confused.

"What rubbish are you saying..."

"Ya for you whatever I say is rubbish...
You want to know a secret mo...." Her mom looks at her confused.

"You want to want to k ow whom I married...

It's the same guy, the same person who is searching for me, the same person you are warning me about, the same person whose wife I killed, the same person whose life I destroy... Now he is destroying my life by torturing my me, threatening me that he would kill my baby..." She leaves her mom sobbing hard, her knees felt so weak she fell on the ground on her knees.

"That is not even the worst part...
The wrost part is... The baby in my stomach is..." She cries hard.



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