Chapter:- 6 Beginning of dawn...

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Third person's p.o.v

The guy holding Aria paled as his grip loosen making her drop on the wet ground. "Ralf... Take this bastard and kill everyone else..." without wasting a second Ralf kills everyone except the paled. Aria had covered her ears once she heard the voice of gun her heart beating at fast rate. Once the guy as knocked of and taken by Ralf she feels a jacket dropped on her, with her blurry eyes she looks up and see none other then her boss.  He extends his hand, she was do shaken up with everything that even her hands are trembling and her whole frame is shaking.

"Get up..." Came a Stern voice. She tries to stand up but her legs feel like jelly, she tries her best to cover her self with the jacket but it kept on sliding down. Brandon being fed up of standing there pulls her towards him and button up the jacket. Placing a hand on her waist. He guides her to the car, once they are seated on the backseat, she start crying hiding her face by her hands. He tries to ignore her but even after sometime when she doesn't stop, he finally had enough and he felt his fist clenched.

"You..." He stops when Ralf hands him a bottle of water, "give her..." He said. Sometimes Brandon feels as if Ralf is the boss whenever he ordered him. But he has been with him through thick and thin even now when everything is messed up he is still there for him. "Here take it..." She looks at him then his hand and takes the bottle, she splits some water while drinking. "I'm.. so..." He stops her with just a flick of his fingers. "No need you have already made my car wet... Drink the water and calm down... If you keep crying like this you may get panic attack..." She nods her head and looks outside the window.

Aria's p.o.v

Looks like even God is angry on me, nothing good has happened everything bad is happening from that day, it was my mistake everything is my mistake... Last night I lost my virginity to someone unknown that person left me cash as if I'm some whore, Andrew ditched me and God knows who spread rumors about me now even boss thinks like others on top of that my parents, they think I'm bad omen I always land Anna in trouble but can't they see that I'm also hurting, I'm hurting so bad if only someone was there to listen to me and understand me.

He tapped on my shoulder and ask me to exit the car, I haven't realised but we are in front of my house if I can call it that, but how does he know where I live, I wanted to ask him but the way he's glaring at me made my lips seal. I thanked him to which he just ignored but his driver have me a tight lip smile. I inhale deeply and made myself ready for another hell.

"Finally the princess is here... Where were you, I bet mist be in some bar getting knocked and k..."Anna is standing there in the hall with my parents, who had emotionless face. "Hey I'm taking to you, tell us where were you and what you did now, what mess you create so that we can clean it..." I look at her from too to bottom, she did the same.

"Mom look now she brings her partners clothes also, were you both so eager that he had to rip your clothes must be a wild night then..." I slapped her hard. "If you don't know anything keep your mouth shut no one is asking about how you screw your make friends..." At that moment I felt a hard slap and you guessed it right it was my mom. "Is this what we thought you to disrespect elders, and what did she say wrong, because of your reckless behaviour we are in this mess, you may think that you are safe but pray to God, that person never finds you or else we won't be able to save you again and if you continue this behavior of yours I'll be the one to hand you over to him keep that in mind.." my mom stomped her foot angrily and went to her room followed by Anna.

"They think it was my fault, maybe it was but I went to help her she called me... No one is ever going to stay anything about it..." I look at my dad he was standing there observing me, after a few minutes he want to kitchen, I'm still where I was, as I was about to go to my room, he came back with a cup of hot chocolate some snacks and a towel, he placed those things in front of me and went to his room. Maybe he does care about me. I went to my room and changed from these filthy clothes I threw them in bin, they will always remind me of today's incident. After taking a shower I had snacks and sat down with my diary.

Brandon's p.o.v

It's been so long and that idiot Marco hasn't found anything important yet, he said the footage was deleted, means someone came there to deleted the footage maybe I can bring the owner and if be still refuse I can always send my men's there you have many  advantage of being a mafia. "I'll give you and our daughter justice my love... And I won't leave that person, they will beg to die but I'll make it so painful that life would be more scary then death and then eventually I'll kill that bastard..." The cup I was holding broke and my so called assistant cane running.

"Sir your hand is bleeding... I'll bring the first aid kit..." And she ran away. Nowdays just looking at her face makes me so mad, I just wanted at her gone. "Ya dad... Ok see you..." Dad called and said that he is coming for the meeting and I just have a plan to make him kick the assistant of mine. She came back with the first aid  kit and took my hand, even her touch disguste me how could I have slept with someone like her. She was so immersed and her whole attention was on my hand, just then I heard the click of the door, pulling her instantly on my lap I made a shocked face.

"What the hell is going on here..." My dad yelled, I pushed her and she landed on her butt. "Dad you are finally here look what your favorite employee was doing with me, since the day she came she always tries to make advance to me even after knowing I'm married dad I told you but you said that maybe I'm misunderstanding her... Will you still keep her knowing how she is if you don't believe me ask others..." He looked skeleptical but then his fave hardned.

"You are fired..."and I could already feel the smirk on my face.

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