Chapter:- 12 You are the reason...

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Third person's p.o.v

Aria and Brandon we're standing there with Rome and she could feel gazes of both of them, she didn't even try to look at them as she knew if looks could kill, she would be dead by now. "Is my life any better then death now..." She said to herself.

"Rome let's go..."Brandon said and moved out of the room, she followed them and when they entered the car sue was about to enter it as well when Brandon stopped her. "Who said you could enter my car, it's nit for low life's like you I don't want to make my car dirty by your presence... We both are going now, you better be there before we reach or else..." He turned her back and started the car "but how will I reach there before you guys I don't even know the route..." He looks at her bored "just like how you ran away and clinged to an unknown man and did your magic I'm sure there must be some other idiot whom you can fool with your slutty self..." She could feel the tears in her eyes. "Ohh... No don't cry it's not even the starting darling and you are already crying... How will you survive with me if you start crying at such small things..." He sat in the car and left her.

"How am I going to reach before him..." She suddenly felt nauseous, and her head started spinning. She sat down for a while and then searched for a cat or taxi, the money Charlie gave her was still with her so she can hire a taxi.

"Yes mam..."the driver asked her. "Can you please take me to this address and be quick..." driver nodded, she was feeling anxious and her heart was beating fast. "God just let me reach before them..." She felt a cramp in her stomach and moaned in pain.

"Mam are you okay..." She nods her head and asks the driver to drive quickly. "But may think we should go to hospital you look pale and in pain...""no please just take me to the address as soon as possible I don't have time.."driver speed up the taxi and they reach the arrested within twenty minutes. She gives him money and runs inside the gate, knocks the door.

"Rome opened the door, he had a pissed off look and she could only feel scared of her, when he moved towards her the first thing she did was cover her face, he stopped at his place and looked at her confused "move aside I don't have whole day here..." She moved back giving him space to leave, he left without giving her a second glance.

"You are late..." Came a voice behind her, she looked and found Brandon there, he was standing there looking like a Greek god, with his hands in pocket and a smrik on his face, he moves towards her and slow steps and she moves back, "10 minutes to be exact... You don't know how to be on time... You were also late in office no wonder you were kicked out..." He cirlcles her, she on feeling his gaze gulped hard. "I tried my best to be her early but, there was traffic and I couldn't find a taxi soon, I won't be late ever again..." She says looking at his shoes.

"I'm taking to you and you have the nerve to ignore me... Look at me..." He yelled making her flinch she looked up at his face and they both were so close she could feel hi hot breath on her head. "I'm sorry..."

"You should be, but you are late and you won't rectify it unless you are punished..." She looks at him shocked
"Punishment but I swear I tried my best to be on time..." He placed his finger in her lip. "Shush.. I don't like repeating myself and you deserve it...
You will have to stay outside till I come here and allow you inside..." And he turns back closing the door on her face.

"What... Open the door..." She bangs her hands on the door and waits for him to come and tell her that it was a joke, she was not feeling well and might faint soon. She again feel a cramp and sits on the stairs and curls up in fetal position.

Inside the mansion Brandon was looking at her through CCTV camera, he was feeling relief, he knows that she is pregnant and that to with his baby but it doesn't matter to him, he had already lost his everything and her being pregnant doesn't make any difference, but the thing is he doesn't feel anything for the baby nor her. He was lost in his thoughts when he heard her moan in pain. He looks at the screen and there she was rubbing her stomach, continuously. "Baby I know you are distressed but don't worry mama is here for you... Please be safe you are the only thing which matter's to me now... I want to meet you soon as possible baby... Then I can maybe leave you with your father and  accept my punishment... But till then bare with me baby you are strong more strong then me...." The pain intensify and she clutched her stomach tightly. Brandon could feel something weird in his heart.
"I'm not worried for her or her baby... I'm just missing my Rose and our baby..."he rubs his heart and leaves from there.

Aria was sitting there on stairs fro more then five hours and it started to turn black, her stomach grumbled making her realize that she had not eaten anything breakfast. She stands up and moves towards the garden where she had seen few trees of oranges, she goes there and tries to pluck it out but they were out of her reach, and in this condition she could not climb the tree, so she took some stones and hit the tree and was finally successful when few oranges fall down, she hurriedly picked it up and clean then with her gown, she sat in the bench in the garden and peels them as she was about to eat "what the hell do you think you are doing..." The orange falls down from her hand and she looks at him terrified.

"I was... Just... I... Was... " "Ok so apart from being a slut, gold digger, murderer you are also a thief... You never fails to surprise me..." He sits in the bench and she jolts up.

"I was hungry so I thought..." She pick all the orange and place them beside him. "So you though you could steal them.. why am I not surprised..."

She stands there still, looking at the ground, he grabs her face in a tight grip "haven't I told you before when I'm taking you should see me not the ground..." His grip was so tight that it left bruises on her face, she could again feel the nausea and her head was spinning more.

She saw dark spots and after few seconds her whole vision turned black, she tried to remove his hands or to tell him that she was not feeling well, but his grip only tightened. Finally she could not handle anymore and closed her eyes.

Brandon still held her in tight grip but, then he felt her swinging back and forth and before he could know what was happening, she fainted her body fell backward, for a second he was frozen but then his hands moved on there own and he grabbed her, making him fall as well, they both feel down, she was beneath him, he had placed his hand on her head, he moved back and looked at her closed eyes, finally realizing that he was crushing her with his weight, he stood up and lifts her body in his arms took her inside the mansion.

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