Chapter:-29 You....

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Third person's p.o.v

Thye both entered the venue, it was breathtaking Aria was in awe to see the place it just looked so beautiful, she kept looking at the decorations and soon bumped on a hard surface. "Ouch..." She rubs her head and looks up only to see Brandon giving her a weird look.

"Where are you looking... Didn't I tell you to saty by my side.." he grabs her hand somewhat tightly and dragged her inside.

"Ok..." Aria pouts and lowers her head down, "I was just looking..." She mummers to herself.

"You said something..." Brandon asked her. She shook her head in no and they went to his parents.

"Son you are finally here we were waiting for you..." His father who was standing with few other guys in suit said once he saw Brandon.

"Dad..." Brandon hugs his dad and his mom, Aria was standing beside him just like he said she kept fidgeting her fingers biting her lips nervously. The party started just now and she was alredy bored. "I should have stayed at home..." She again mumbled. Within a second her mother in law was beside her.

"Let's go they are discussing about something important and I'm sure you don't want to listen..." Aria looks at Brandon but her mother in law gently tugs her. "Trust me sweetie..." Aria was confused at first her mother in law was so angry on her she was kicking her out of the house then what changed now.

Very reluctantly she nods her head and followed her, she took Aria to less crowded area and asked her to sit down "I'll bring something for you..." and she was gone leaving Aria alone.

Aria got scared she remind what Brandon had told her before they entered, now she's all alone not knowing where she was and what awaits for her "I'm sorry I was gone for a while but I met my old take this..." She gives Aria a glass of juice.

"Have it I know you didn't have anything and seeing how my son is I'm damn sure he didn't even asked you to have anything..." Aria was now more confused why was she being so kind. She kept eying the glass then saw her in law.

Finally curiosity won and she asked her mother in law. "Why are you being so kind to me... Shouldn't you be angry on me..." She was not trying to be disrespectful or anything but seeing how everyone treated her it was kind of hard to believe that some one can behave normal with her.

"I should be angry on you and yes I'm angry on you but the little one inside you I can't be angry on my grandchild, infact I shouldn't be angry on you too cause I don't know why you did that or if you even did that in first place even if you did, I'm no one to make any judgement or anyone to decide your punishment..." Her voice for some reason it soothes Aria she felt a connection toward the lady in front if her. She couldn't control herself, her teary eyes couldn't hold the tears more she ended up crying.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your family I ruined your son's life and killed his wife and your grand daughter, I was not in my senses I..." Aria stopped abruptly and hugged her mother in law. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry..." She cried like a little child.

"Shhh... Don't cry I won't say everything will be fine... Cause we don't know what the future beholds but I can only aks you to trust yourself and god he must have thought something for you... Now have it I don't want you to starve my grand child and wipe these tears..." Aria had the drink. They both sat there in silence and it was comforting.

"Hello... Yes honey will be there..." Her mother in law ended the call and they went back. There they saw Brandon and his father taking to a couple.

"Ohh you guys are finally here... Honey this is Harry and his wife Natasha... And this is my lovely wife and our daughter in law..." The couple smiled at them and shake hands.

" Brandon your wife is so beautiful... I'm glad you could move on..." Natasha gave Brandon a smile and he returned it with a tight lipped one. "Yup she's beautiful indeed..." He pulls Aria close to himself. They had some random talk and it was time for dance.

His mom and dad were already on dance floor Natasha came and dragged them both to the dance floore as well " you guys are newly weds you deserve a dance..." She gave them a sweet smile.

"I can't dance..." Aria said once Natasha left, " does it loom like I care... Listen Natasha and Harry are very important person don't do anything which will make them sad if they want us to dance them we will dance..." He placed his hand on her waist and took her one hand in his own.

"I really can't... Leave me I'll just go and sit there..." She tried to pry her hand of but his grip was tight. "Don't you fucking dare... Ok do one thing just follow my lead..." Aria did what she was asked they dance for a while, Aria felt weird to be so close to to him, they did get intimate few times but this was the first time he was so close to her the music was so soothing and his scent made her feel at peace, they were doing good but suddenly the music changed to fast one, and Brandon increased his speed.

Aria stated feeling nausea and her head was spinning. She could feel the bile rising before she knew, she puked on Brandon he halted and pushed her back, Aria was able to stabilize herself before she could hit the ground.

"What the fuck..." He was about to scream again but Aria was no where to be seen.

Aria was in the washroom beside the toilet bowl puking her guts out, after she was done she felt weak, so she sat there for some time then she rinsed her mouth to get rid of the bitter taste when she was out of the washroom, she suddenly felt dizzy but before she could hit the ground someone grabbed her.

"D... You..." She fainted.

Hey guys any guess who is the person...

Btw do tell me how was the chapter and if you liked it then vote and comment.

Luv ya stay safe and healthy ♥️

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