Chapter:- 21 You don't deserve this...

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Aria's p.o.v

I looked up and saw him, his eyes were red, "is it my end" was the only thought in my mind. I feared for my life and my baby.

He looked at me letter and then at box in front fo me, finally his eyes settled on, I could feel myself sweating. First I made him angry and now this, I really have death wish.

"The fuck are you doing... Who gave you the right to touch these..." He leaned down and picked the box, dropping few letters "who kept it here, this is so precious who dared to do this..." He looks at me. "Was it you..." His voice was so dark and his malicious gaze making me paralyze at my place, I shook my head in no, not trusting my voice.

He took the box and turned his back towards me, I thought he was leaving me her again, not that he will allow me to leave this room, now that I have angered him more. I picked the letters there and hide them in my dress pocket. I felt so tired and my eyes were feeling so heavy.

I moved towards a nearby wall, leaning there I kept a hand on my stomach, my baby the only thing which is keeping me sane.

Third person's p.o.v

Brandon came to his room the box in his hands was so precious to him, but some one misplaced it, he had kept it in his room, it had so many beautiful memories.

"Brandy boo..."

"Promise me, you will leave this dark world..."

"I love you..."

"I can't accept you..."

"You can't do this...."

"Why..." her red swollen eyes were making it even more hard for him to be president on his decision.

"Don't miss us, we will be in your heart..." and she closed her eyes forever.

"Rose...." He yelled loudly, her voice was ringing in his ears, his tears eyes were searching for her, he looks at the box, picking a dried rose, which she gave him but he had threw it at her face, she cried and ran from there, his heart felt so weird and uneasy, he made sure no one was looking and picked it up, he came home and preserved it.

He made it look like he was not interested in her, but he never wanted to hurt her and he knew, if she gets involved with him it was only going to hurt both of them, but she did, she never left him, she was there to annoy him, she was there to make him happy, she was the one who made him a human again, she gave him a hope of better life, she convinced his father, she was the best thing happened to him, she was the reason of his life. Now his life seemed meaning less, well he still had a motto and reason to live and that was to punish her culprit, the same culprit who was in his house, who had the audacity to call him a monster.

At least he didn't kill innocent children, well not until now, but he can't say of future the little bit of sanity he had was gone with his wife and his kid.

He took a bottle from his mini fridge and gulped it down, the dried rose was still in his hands, even though he was intoxicated he still kept the rose safely on the table beside and the ox was kept on his bed.

On the other side...

Aria was still there, in cold shivering she woke up after two hours still in the old basement, the door was open but she knew not to go against him, he was already so angry on her, it might really be her end if he finds out she went out without his permission.

"Should I read the letter..." She takes a letter from her pocket and after a debate finally decides to read it.


Why are you ignoring me, Brandy boo.... I thought we had something after the kiss, you just left me. You know I felt used and so heartbroken, you always ignored me but today out of nowhere you kissed me in front of my friends and when I kissed you back, you just pushed me back.

I know you don't love me, but can you at least, not make a fool out if me, I have been expressing my love for you and you never aknowledge me, you behave as if I don't exist for you. You even have the audacity to tell me that I don't deserve this, if I don't then why are you behaving as if  I don't exist for you.

I don't even know why I'm writing this, when I know you will never get these letter, even if you did you will just burn them, my love maybe one sided but i know it's true, what about you...

I haven't seen more confusing person then you, you are an idiot for hurting me and I'm an idiot for still Loving you...

You know what I'll leave you, you heard me I'll leave you forever..." The letter was torn from sides and it was quite old.

Aria felt so bad for the girl, she really wanted to know who she was. Aria was still reading the letter when she heard some shuffling outside the door and within a second the door opened by a very drunk Brandon.

Ya next chapter and sorry for being late, do tell me how was the chapter, vote comment if you liked it.

Nd this new cover is by @Gguk_done isn't it cute...

Thank you...

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