Someone to You - Childe

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A/N: Who better to start with than my favorite Fatui boy? It may be a bit self-indulgent but oh well hopefully people will still enjoy it haha


You held your hands out in front of you,  feeling for obstacles in the darkness. Even though Childe had a guiding arm on your shoulder, with the blindfold on, you still worried about tripping over something and making a fool out of yourself.

"Where are you taking me?" It was the third time you'd asked the question, and still his answer was no different. A soft chuckle near your ear and a "you'll see."

You trusted him. Of course you did; you'd been together for nearly six months now. And he seemed excited about this surprise, whatever it was. So . . . you would be excited, too.

You walked on, feeling the detailed stone of Liyue Harbor's streets change into the roads out of town beneath your feet. The atmosphere shifted from bustling to calm, and you could hear birds chirping in the rustling trees.

"We're here!" Childe stopped you gently and lifted his scarf from your eyes.

"The . . . Golden House?" You looked up at him quizzically.

"Yeah!" He grinned. "You'll love it; trust me." He grabbed your hand, and you couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm as he pulled you past the Millelith and into the old building.

The darkness was almost tangible. "Ajax?"

"Just wait."

He guided you forward a few steps, and then—all around you were glittering stars. No, not stars. Beads of water, suspended in the air and lit by an unseen source.

You gasped softly, fingers flying to your lips. "How did you—? What— This is beautiful!" You spun slowly in place, drinking in the wonder around you. When you turned back to Childe, he looked the happiest you'd ever seen him.

"I practiced for so long. I'm . . . glad you like it." He looked away, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Like it? Ajax, I love it. I love you. Thank you for this."

You stepped in for a hug, but Childe deftly lifted your chin, one hand around your waist. His eyes begged a question, and your lips on his answered it.

The world was spinning, spinning, spinning, and the water around you fell like rain, and you knew for certain that this was where you were meant to be. You wound your arms around Childe's neck and smiled.

Finally, you gently pulled away. You were both soaked and the floor was slick with fallen droplets, but the light persisted and happiness filled your soul.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


A/N: Short but sweet! Hopefully in the future these will be longer. For this one I just had this one scene that I really wanted to write, so . . . yeah. I hope you guys liked it lol. Feel free to leave requests in the introduction page or through pms

Thanks for reading!

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