Origin - Diluc - Part One

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Rain lashed against the windows of the Manor of Daybreak. The wind howled like an enraged beast, and lightning danced a vicious tango with thunder. You had knocked three times, your desperate pounding drowned out by the cacophonous storm, before someone finally came to the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb," you said, "but I need to get out of the rain. Would you let me come inside until the weather clears?" The woman standing before you sighed. She seemed curious about why you were out in the rain so late at night, but she didn't pry.

"Master Diluc's home is open to all," she said, and opened the door wider to let you in. You nodded your thanks and shed your sopping cloak, revealing a drab brown dress underneath. The woman introduced herself as Adelinde and took your cloak, offering a spot by the fire for your rest. Then she bustled off, leaving you with nothing but a crackling fire, polished wooden floors, and a window to keep out the rain.

The armchair was well-made, with velvet cushions that had just the right amount of give. You did your best not to drip on the fine fabric, but finally gave up and sat on the floor by the hearth instead.

"What are you doing on the floor?"

You jumped and turned to face the man behind you. Diluc Ragnvindr. His arms were crossed imposingly over a night shirt and coat, but the effect was rather ruined by the fact that he had no shoes. Or trousers.

You stood and bowed your head. "I am sorry, sir. I didn't mean to upset the peace of your home. You see, I am far from my home and have nowhere to stay or earn my keep. I thought perhaps you would take me on as a servant. I simply arrived later than intended."

He raised a fiery eyebrow. "You speak rather eloquently for a servant."

You kept your eyes downcast. "I was trained well."

He hummed thoughtfully, leaning against the wall. "And why did you leave your home?"

"It was time to go," you said, simply and firmly. He nodded, as if that were an acceptable answer.

"We'll talk more on it in the morning. In the meanwhile, Adelinde will show you to the servants' quarters." Adelinde reappeared from the shadows, and you wondered if she had been eavesdropping or awaiting orders from Master Diluc. She took your arm and guided you away before you had the chance to express your thanks.

The room she showed you to was nice, if rather plain.

"There's a change of clothes in the wardrobe," she said. "I'll come get you in the morning."

You thanked her as she shut the door, then turned to the wardrobe. Sure enough, there was a dress that matched Adelinde's and a night shift. You changed into the shift and bundled onto the bed, wrapping the blankets around yourself like a warm cocoon. You were asleep before your head hit the pillow. 


Gray light filtered through yellow curtains, casting a sickly light around the room. It was much too early for anyone to be up, and yet Adelinde was gripping your shoulder and shaking you awake.

"Get dressed, girl. Work begins early." She didn't say it unkindly, but you were still more than a little peeved at being woken up so early. You hid it well, standing to grab your uniform and nodding at Adelinde to let her know she could trust you on your own.

In the light of day you could see the furnishings of your room more clearly. The bed, sturdy and simple, stood between a nightstand and the wardrobe. Across the room, by the door, was a washbasin, complete with a pitcher of water and a mirror. They were obviously old, but nothing was dirty or broken.

You changed and met Adelinde outside your room with a host of other girls. She spared you a brief introduction, but it was obvious that the woman had no time for pleasantries or idle chatter. 

The other girls knew their stations and got to work as soon as they had finished their quick breakfast of oatmeal and hashbrowns. Adelinde led you around the house, showing you your assignments and where to get cleaning supplies and who to talk to if you needed anything. Then you were on your own.


You cleaned for most of the say without seeing Master Diluc, though your fellow maids whispered about him enough in the shadows that you were starting to feel that you had. 

You pushed an ajar door fully open and started sweeping the floor inside. This room was quite dark, so you turned up the oil lamps up and started scrubbing the mantlepiece. Something that looked rather like a vision caught your eye and you set your rag down to inspect it.

"What are you doing?" a dark voice asked from behind you. You jumped, dropping the bauble. In a flash, Diluc was pressing you against the mantle, bending to catch the odd trinket.

"I—I was just—cleaning—" 

He straightened and narrowed his eyes. "You're that new maid from last night, aren't you? Did Adelinde not tell you to strike this room from your rounds?"

"No—no sir—"

"Well do it. I don't want to see you in here again." He tucked the trinket into his coat pocket and ushered you out of the room, shutting the door in your face.

I guess he likes his privacy, you thought. Shaking off the residual odd feelings from the encounter, you continued on your route.


Diluc sighed heavily and sat at his desk. He pulled the Delusion out of his pocket and examined it sadly. Why did you come here, Y/N?

To be continued . . .

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