Fallen King - Zhongli - Medieval AU

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A/N: sorry it's taken me this long to get another chapter out! I've been busy working on the collab book with Nova haha. Anyway, here's a Zhongli oneshot (medieval AU) for NYANFEI


Ever since the king had gone, life in Liyue had gotten much harder. With no heir to take the throne, the Qixing and Adepti were fighting for control. The kingdom was divided; anyone with a different opinion from anyone else was shunned.

It got so bad that shops and businesspeople would only cater to those they knew were on their side, people turned against family, and brawls broke out in the streets. It carried on like this for months until someone finally decided to do something about it.

Keqing of the Qixing convinced Ganyu—the part-adeptus who worked for the Qixing—to call a truce. A reluctant convention took place, and after weeks of deliberation, an agreement was struck. The kingdom, which had been waiting tensely, flocked to hear the news. Ganyu, in an act of self-sacrifice, had taken up the crown. As she was from both worlds, she would speak for both sides.

It took some getting used to, but soon enough Liyue was back in order. Most people made up, the kingdom was prosperous once more, and Queen Ganyu ruled with a benevolent heart and wise mind.

But even through all this, you believed that the true king was still out there.

Ganyu may have been a good ruler, but you believed that what Liyue needed was its original king.

And you were going to find him.


"Y/n! If we don't leave now we'll be late!"

"Aren't you the one always going on about how being late is fashionable and whatnot?"

Fiona stamped her foot. "Not this late! There's a fine line between fashionable and rude, you know."

"Yeah, yeah." You slid off your bed, rumpling your fine gown in the process. You frowned at it, smoothing the fabric as best you could.

"Y/n . . . ." She dragged your name out in a long whine and you cringed. 

"I get it! I'm coming!" You abandoned the half-successful attempt to fix your skirt and instead followed Fiona outside and into the carriage.

 As soon as the door shut behind you, the carriage took off. Crying out, you grabbed onto the seat and steadied yourself. Fiona tsked, the picture of elegance across from you. You scowled.

"Good thing we'll be wearing masks. Otherwise no one would dare ask you to dance—they'd all be too frightened of that hideous look on your face."

Rather than responding, you waved a hand dismissively and looked out the window. This masquerade was a waste of time. You should be out there finding clues to King Morax's whereabouts, not standing around and dancing with people you didn't care about.

Fiona tried to make small talk during the ride, but you weren't interested. She had overfilled the "annoying older sister" quota for today. Eventually she gave up and the rest of the ride passed in silence.


You had to admit, the palace was pretty. The gold-and-jade exterior exuded wealth and sophistication, and the interior matched perfectly. Wooden pillars, carvings of dragons and cranes, paintings and tapestries hung about . . . . You were almost afraid to touch anything—lest something break and put you in debt.

As soon as you had entered, Fiona had whisked herself away to dance. You stood awkwardly by the refreshment table, hoping no one would notice you. You adjusted your mask, the stiff material itchy on your face. You couldn't wait to go home.

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