If I Killed Someone for You - Childe

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A/N: for @XiaosPolearm0


Rough burlap grated against your eyelids and chapped your lips. You were going somewhere, slung over someone's shoulder, but you didn't know where.

How did this even happen? Tourism was supposed to be safe in the north, even if Snezhnaya was  close by. But now, after a whirlwind evening at a tavern and a one-night-stand with a handsome stranger, you were lost and confused and out of Mora.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing alone at the bar?" he had said, blue eyes twinkling in the firelight. You had instantly been attracted to him, perhaps a little because of the drinks.

So, when the two of you hit it off and he invited you to his hotel room, you hadn't thought twice.

Oh how you wished you had.

You had woken up like this, bound and gagged, in a sack that smelled awfully like potatoes. Another point for logical thinking.

You could only assume that your one night stand had been the one to kidnap you, but you couldn't imagine what for or where he was taking you. It got colder by the hour, though, and soon you were shivering through your meager burlap sack.

"Just a little farther, princess. Don't you worry." There was a lilt, a smile to the voice, one that you almost recognized. The memory broke through a hazy fog of drunk flashbacks.


Last night! That was definitely the guy's voice.

Dangit, Y/N, why couldn't you have kept it in your pants?

You sighed and stopped squirming just in time for the one-night-stander to throw you to the ground. Rocks and loose dirt bit into your skin and through you clothes as you rolled to a stop. In your head, you used every dirty word you knew against him.

He tsked and helped you sit against a tree—or maybe it was some sort of wall; you weren't sure—then caressed your cheek through the sack.

"There, there, darling. We'll be there soon, and all your problems will be solved. You do remember telling me about your woes, don't you?"

You didn't. Had you really been that drunk? Crap. This was worse than you thought.

After this little 'conversation,' however, the stranger said nothing more. You felt the chill air seep through your clothes and into your bones, and the quiet of nighttime settled around you. Everything was still, but you did not feel calm. Though it was a relief to have the sun no longer beat through the sack to your face, the night brought with it a whole new set of anxieties.

If you were in Snezhnaya, which you were increasingly inclined to believe you were, there could be bandits anywhere. Robbers, thieves, kidnappers—

You snorted. There was no sense in worrying about kidnappers now.

In any case, you were at least glad to no longer be moving. Your wrists were chafed and raw from the rope; otherwise you would have tried to move them. But no, the best you could do for now was allow yourself the best sleep you could hope to have.


"Here we are," he said triumphantly. Your feet hit unstable ground and you stumbled forward. A strong arm wrapped around your torso, and another hand pulled the sack from your head. Before you was a palace of ice, glittering in the early sun.

"Not so bad, is it?" he chuckled, helping you find your footing on the powdery snow. "Welcome to your new home. For the time being, at least."

You looked at him in bewilderment, and for the first time you saw him clearly. Your breath caught in your throat.

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