The Scientist - Albedo

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A/N: get ready for some angst y'all


Cold. So, so cold. 

Snow wet his boots past the ankles with every step. It slowly sank in, freezing his feet and making the journey even harder.

He didn't stop.

With nothing but a bouquet of wilting flowers in hand, Albedo plodded up the side of Dragonspine. He passed plenty of slimes and hilichurls, but, as if sensing his misery, they did not attack. 

Every once in a while he would stumble on a hidden rock or divot, but he would always pick himself up and push on. A whirlwind of snow lashed against his face, leaving it raw.

The air around him grew thinner and grayer as he reached the summit. The tears making their way down his cheeks froze where they lay. 

"I'm so sorry, my love," he choked out. Ever so gently, he pulled the old bouquet out of your arms and replaced it with the newer one. "I'm so, so sorry." He knelt beside the marble slab, cradling your cold hand in his own. "I'll find a way to save you. I promise. Just hold on."


"You wanna know a secret?"

Albedo glanced over, amused. "What's your secret, Y/N?"

You swung your legs back and forth together, leaning forward from your spot on the table. "I love you."

He laughed. "That's a secret?"

"No. I just wanted to say it." Your smile radiated warmth. Albedo stopped writing in his notebook and turned to you. 

"I'm glad to hear it. I love you too." A small smile graced his face, the equivalent of a wide grin.

You scoffed, pulling your fluffy coat tighter around yourself. "It'd be rather sad if my own husband didn't love me."

"Husband?" Albedo raised a playful eyebrow. "When did that happen?"

"Just now. When I decided I wanted to marry you."

"Is that all it takes?"

You thought for a moment. "I guess not. But it could be a start?"

Albedo smiled wider. "It can be a start."


"I wish we could go back to then," he whispered. "Everything was so much simpler." A bitter wind rushed past, mussing his clothes and hair. "I was so obsessed with my project. With creating eternal life. I didn't see that I was destroying yours. All my guessing and risk-taking . . . I wish I could take it all back."

You lay strangely still in the cold breeze, hair resting against your face and clothes undisturbed. Your dead lips were a shade of frostbite blue to match your fingers. Warped skin bubbled across your face and down your neck, a mark of failure. 

Albedo's lungs constricted. The air bit into his skin and he felt his toes going numb. Annoyed, Albedo pulled a warming bottle from his jacket and shook it. Warmth emanated from the bottle and warded away the beginnings of frostbite.

"I'm sorry," he said, returning his attention to you. "The summit is the only place cold enough to preserve you, but it's also too cold for me without some source of heat. You understand, right?"


You tenderly wrapped your arms around Albedo from behind, resting your head on his shoulder. "Albedo. . . ?" you asked quietly. 

"Just a second," he said absentmindedly. "I'm working on something." He didn't look up from his vials.

"But you're always working on something." You hugged him tighter, buried your face in deeper. "I thought maybe today you could take a break and—"

"Y/N, I can't take a break from this. If I succeed—if I succeed, then you and I can live together forever. Don't you want that?"

"Well, yeah, but like—"

"Give me some time. It should be ready to test by tonight."

You pulled away. "Albedo, I don't want you testing things on yourself. It's unsafe."

"I'll be fine, I promise."

You hesitated. "I'm gonna wait in the tent. Let me know when your . . . thing . . . is ready."

Albedo only nodded. 

A few hours later, you heard an excited "Y/N!" 

Quickly, you left the tent and made your way to his side. "You did it?"

"I think so." He looked at you, eyes gleaming with pride. "Y/N, I may have just cured death."

"May I see?" He nodded, proffering the small vial. Oddly warm, it glowed a sickly green, bubbling and spitting like a toxic bog. You made a face.

"I know it looks unconventional, but it should work. It shouldn't cause any harm if it doesn't, either, so—what are you doing?!"

You downed the entire vial in one gulp. Instantly, your heart sped up and your lungs seized. You fell to the ground, wracked with coughs. Albedo caught you, pushing your hair out of your face desperately. 

"Why would you do that?!" 

"I—didn't—want—you to test it—" you choked out through strangled gasps.

"So you tested it on yourself?!"

"You—you have an antidote, don't you?"

"I didn't think it would need one! I just—give me a second—"

Albedo frantically rifled through the elixirs and vials scattered around his work table. You curled up in pain, the snow and ice doing little to distract from the stabbing in your gut. With a cry of rage and panic, Albedo shoved his work off the table and rushed to the shelves lining the camp. He madly grabbed an armful of potions and dropped them at your side, kneeling beside you once more and lifted your face.

"I don't know if these will work but please—" he raised an uncorked vial to your lips, but you grabbed his wrist with your failing grip. 

"Albedo," you whispered, tears squeezing out of your eyes and trailing down the irregular planes of your cheeks. "I—I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—I shouldn't have taken it. I know I won't make—" you stopped as pain clenched you in its firm hold. You coughed, blood splattering the snow.

"Y/N, please don't say—"

"I won't make it. But—but I'd rather me go than you. Don't—don't let this stop you from doing good in the world."

"Y/N—" You rested your hand lovingly on Albedo's cheek, smiling sadly. 

"It'll be ok, my love."

"No—no! Don't go! Y/N!"

Your hand hit the snow.


"I swear to you, I will find a way to bring you back. I will not rest until I do." Albedo rose to his feet and placed a tiny kiss against your cold forehead. "I shall come again next week. Wait for me until I do."

As he made the sad journey back down the mountain, he felt he almost heard your voice in the distance. A gentle breeze—one kinder than any previous—caressed his cheek as he descended. He stopped a moment and gazed ruefully back up the mountain.

"Wait for me. . . ."


A/N: I never really write angst so, uh, lemme know if this is good I guess lol. I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed, haha 

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