Vanilla Twilight - Kazuha

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Ocean waves lapped gently against the boat. It rocked slowly back and fourth, and the sound of old weathered wood creaking filled the room. Kazuha lay in his hammock, hands folded over his chest, and stared through the grate above him. He wished he had a better view of the stars, rather than a poor angle through a slanted grate.

The stars always reminded him of you.

He'd been staring at them for far to long, however. He could see that they were already fading as the sky paled, and his heart sank as he thought of facing another day without you. How long had it been? At least three months, at least. 

He missed you.

"I wish you were here," he whispered, holding tightly to the last burning image of the stars in the morning sky.

"I am here," a smug voice said.

Kazuah startled and nearly fell out of his hammock. "Beidou–! I did not hear you come in." He stood and straightened his clothes. "Did you need something?"

Beidou laughed and leaned against the doorframe. "You were thinking about her again, weren't you?"

Kazuha looked away. "You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine."

"The sun's up. We should continue towards Liyue." He pushed past Beidou and through the doorway, but she grabbed his arm. Her grip was rough and a little too tight. "Ow–Beidou–!"

"Listen, kid." She sighed and released his arm. "I know you cared about her. I know that . . . what you had was special, or whatever. But I need you to not let it keep affecting you like this. You aren't sleeping and you're slacking with helping out on the ship. I'm worried about you."

He smiled a little. "I'm fine. I promise."

"If you say so," she sighed.

He continued through the door and went up to the deck.


The skyline of Liyue was growing larger on the horizon. Kazuha could see Guyun Stone Forest, and he knew they were close to docking. When they reached their normal anchoring spot, however, the ship continued on towards Liyue Harbor. Kazuha pushed off the railing and found Beidou at the wheel.

"I didn't know you were trading with Ningguang today."

"I got a pigeon this morning. After I found you looking at the stars like a sad sap."

"I'm not a sad sap," he scowled.

"Sure," she laughed. "Whatever you say."

He shook his head and leaned against the railing once more, crossing his arms and watching her steer. 

Liyue Harbor continued to grow closer, until finally the Crux docked against the pier. 

"Unload the cargo!" Beidou called. "You know where it goes. I'll be there soon." The crew did as they were told, and Beidou stood by Kazuha. "What are you doing? Don't you want to see the harbor?"

He shrugged. "I've been here before."

"I think you should get off the ship."

He narrowed his eyes. "Why? To help with the cargo?"

"No. I just think you'd regret it if you didn't." She gestured off the ship and towards the docks, where a young woman stood. Where . . . you . . . stood. Waiting for him.

He looked at Beidou, who smirked. "Go on. You have all day."

He dashed off the boat and ran towards you. 


You turned and your smile lit him up. He grinned back as you ran towards him, and as the two of you met in the center of the dock, he lifted you into his arms and spun you around. He set you back down, but you circled your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you," you whispered against his neck. His hair tickled your cheek.

"Not nearly as much as I missed you," he replied. He blushed a little as he thought back to the countless poems he'd written about you.

"I just wish I hadn't had to leave," you said, tightening your grip around his neck.

"Then don't go again," he said, pulling you closer to him.

You smiled against his neck and pressed a gentle kiss against his skin as the sun warmed your back. "I won't. I promise."

The ocean waves lapped against the dock, and you could hear the seagulls cawing to each other. The sounds of a Liyue morning started behind you, but neither you nor Kazuha paid the merchants any mind. This day was yours, and it was yours alone. You couldn't wait to see where it would take you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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