Partners in Crime - Childe - Modern AU

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A/N: listen I know I've already done one for him and I have others on the request list but I got him on Tuesday and I've got to celebrate 

Also since this kind of needs context: in this AU the Fatui is kind of like the mafia. They mark buildings that they're going to hit and stuff. Y/N is a fairly new recruit (joined a few months ago) and this is her first field mission. She and Childe have known each other for a while


"Are you sure we won't get caught?"

"With me, darling, you'll always be safe."

You rolled your eyes, shaking up another paint can. "That didn't answer my question."

Tartaglia chuckled, putting his hand over yours as you prepared to spray the wall. You looked up at him, not sure if you were nervous or annoyed. The moonlight glinted in his eyes, caressing his cheek and casting dangerous shadows across the rest of his face. He smiled softly.

"Y/N. Even if we're found, we won't get caught. I have a backup plan."

Breaking eye contact, you pulled your hand from his and turned back to the wall. "Care to share this so-called backup plan of yours?" The can hissed as you dragged color across the dark bricks.

With a laugh, he leaned against the wall. "Sorry, love. If I don't use it tonight I might have to use it another time. You know the rules about secrets around here."

"Yeah, yeah." You finished your section and stood back. "You think that's good enough?"

"It's a graffiti symbol. It doesn't really matter how 'good' it is."

You scowled. "First of all, graffiti is a form of art. Second of all, it's my first time on the feild. I want the others to think I did a good job."

"Ha! Listen, hon—one of the most important things in this organization is that only the Tsaritsa's opinion matters, and she doesn't give a crap about what the mark looks like as long as it's recognizable. In fact—"

"Hey!" Your attention jerked behind Tartaglia and you froze. Someone was approaching from the end of the alley, picking up speed as they went.

"We gotta go," Tartaglia said, stuffing the remaining cans in the bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Come on." He grabbed your hand and started dragging you away. "Come on, newbie!"

You snapped out of your fear and allowed him to pull you out of the alley as the person from before reached the symbol you'd painted and cursed. As you turned you heard a snippet of what the person was saying: "—Fatui. Gonna need backup."

"We need to go faster. Let's go." Tartaglia again pulled on your hand and you picked up speed. The two of you dashed past streets and alleys and late-night drunks. A few cars passed by and more footsteps joined the original pair behind you. Sirens pierced the quiet night air.

After a block you started to fall behind. Apparently not even the rigorous Fatui training could prepare you for an in-the-field chase. Before you could get too far behind, however, Tartaglia grabbed your hand again. This time he didn't let go. You pushed yourself to go faster and faster until you were keeping pace with him again.

Tartaglia turned sharply around a corner and ducked into a doorway, taking you with him. You were panting and gasping for air—you'd been running for blocks. 

As quietly as he could, Tartaglia picked the lock and opened the door. He pulled you in and shut it again not a moment too late. Shadows of the officers darted across the frosted glass. Tartaglia put his hand over your mouth, urging you to quiet your breathing.

"Where'd they go?"

"They were just here!"

"Spread out!"

The shadows dispersed and you could hear the pounding footfalls of each of them. Tartaglia pulled his hand away. You leaned against the wall, bending over to see what you could through the door. Tartaglia was right beside you.

Right beside you.

You stayed like that for a long time, breathing shallowly and waiting for the law to give up the chase. When finally you could hear nothing but the sound of your breath and the occasional car, you straightened up. And bumped into Tartaglia in doing so. Your breath hitched.

"This, um, this shop is a lot smaller than I remember. . . ." 

"Can you—" Your voice squeaked and you had to clear your throat and start over. "Can you not move at all?"

"There's a table or something digging into my back." He chuckled lowly.

"O—oh." You swallowed thickly. "Do you think—do you think it's safe to go out again?"


Neither of you moved. You just stood there in the darkness, pressed up against each other.



"Turn around."

Slowly and with some difficulty, you did. Now you had to crane your neck back to avoid having your nose pressed against him.

"Yeah?" The word came out as a whisper. Something about the moonlight streaming dimly through the frosted glass made the otherwise pitch-black space feel otherworldly and reverent.

Tartaglia didn't say anything for a moment. Only the sound of your mingled breath disturbed the silence of night. You raised your eyes from his scarf to his eyes. Oh, those eyes. . . .

He swallowed. "Y/N, I—" A frustrated sigh punctuated the half-sentence. "I just—" He muttered something under his breath and suddenly his lips were on yours. He—he was— 

There was a thud as something metal hit the floor and he pulled away, cursing. You could only stare up at him in shock.


He wouldn't look at you. "I'm so sorry," he said, leaning down to get whatever he'd dropped—and getting much closer to you in the process. He straightened and scooted away a little, then set the bag of spray paint on the counter behind him.

"Tartaglia . . . ?"

Finally he turned back to you, raking a hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."


"I shouldn't have done that. I didn't ask you first, and even if you wanted to be with me it would be a bad—"

You grabbed his collar and pulled him in. He was surprised for a moment, but melted into the kiss after a moment. 

"Wow," was all he could gasp out when you finally broke apart.

Now it was your turn to be shy. "I guess I should have asked, huh?"

Tartaglia just snorted and kissed you again. You felt him lift you gently and turn around, and then you were sitting on the counter. The bag fell again and you couldn't help but laugh.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I'm working on getting to know Scaramouche better so I can do a oneshot for him (cos I literally know nothing about him haha) but in the meantime I'm also working on a Xiao oneshot and stuff for Kaeya's book.

Thanks for reading!

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