Broken - Kaeya

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A/N: contains mild Sumeru archon quest spoilers

for the several people who have requested him :)


In the Grand Bazaar of Sumeru, the biggest party of the year was raging. With the people free to dream once more, it had become popular to throw huge parties where people dressed in bizarre, fantastical clothing and shared their favorite dreams. You had traveled all the way from Mondstadt to attend with your friend Layla.

"Isn't this great?" you called over the music. Layla yawned and stretched.

"I guess," she said. "It's a bit loud. And I have homework to do."

"Homework? Layla, you're always doing homework."

"Yeah, because my sage keeps assigning me more." Someone bumped into her, spilling their drink all over the front of her outfit. They stumbled drunkenly and laughed, a sorry spilling over their lips. Layla groaned. "Okay, I'm done. I'll see you after the party."

"Do you want me to go with you?" you asked, worried. 

"No, you traveled all this way for this. Stay and enjoy the party. I'll be fine." Layla smiled a little and pushed her way through the crowd. She disappeared in seconds and you were left alone.

"Great," you muttered, looking around for someone who seemed approachable. Everyone was wearing strange masks and already in a group, so you turned to the drinks table. On your way there, you heard a familiar voice.


You could see him sitting on a padded bench surrounded by beautiful people. Of course. At least it was a familiar face. You approached the bench and put on a smile, pretending you didn't see the judgement in the eyes of Kaeya's companions. 

"Hey, Captain. I didn't know you were here."

"Oh hey there," he said, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk. "Welcome to Sumeru."

"Can I sit here? Thanks." Without waiting for a response, you sat between Kaeya and the girl on his left. She glowered and stalked away.

"Ladies, would you excuse us for a moment?" Kaeya said suavely, losing none of his charm as he effectively dismissed his adoring fans. His request was met with sighs of despair and promises to come back, but ultimately the women left and the two of you were as alone as you could be in a crowded party.

"What did you do that for? I didn't think you could ever bear to part with your crowds of enamored women."

"My oldest friend is here," he exclaimed. "Of course I'm sending the strangers away. What are you doing here, precious?"

You blushed under your mask. "I told you to stop calling me that. I gave up treasure hunting ages ago."

"Yeah, but you'll always be my precious, won't you?" His smirk widened. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Stop," you said, ears burning. "You're going to give people the wrong idea." 

He put his hands on either side of your thighs and leaned into your space. "But what if it's the right idea?"

You shoved him away before he could see your reaction or hear your heart pounding in your chest. "That's not funny! I told you to knock it off!" You could see several women giving you dirty looks and you started to feel uncomfortable.

I don't belong here.

His chuckle cut through the haze clouding your mind. 

"Relax, sweetheart. I'm only joking." He leaned forward again. "It's loud in here. Why don't we go somewhere a little quieter?"

You looked at him suspiciously. "You're not just trying to get into my pants, are you?"

He scoffed. "Of course not. Why wouldn't I want to catch up with a beloved friend?" You snorted at that.

"Whatever, lover boy. You're lucky I don't have a reason to stay." The two of you stood and he led you outside. The street beyond the bazaar was crowded with people waiting to go inside or just getting a breath of fresh air. You saw one of your friends from Liyue and were almost tempted to abandon Kaeya in favor of Hu's company, but his hand slipped into yours suddenly and you looked at him instead.

"I know a great place," he said, squeezing your hand. You were confused, but you let him lead you up several ramps and around the Divine Tree. He started walking a little faster, tugging you along. The night air was cool in contrast to the raging party below, and the stars seemed so much brighter here than in Mondstadt. It all felt very exhilarating, and you couldn't help but laugh when he looked back at you with a goofy smile.

"Where are we going?" you asked breathlessly.

"You'll see. It's my favorite spot in the city."

After a few more minutes of running, you made it to a ledge between ramps that overhung the city. The tree branches overhead reached past and swung gently, creating a curtain of shifting leaves through which you could see the giant mushrooms of Mawtiyima Forest. You gasped softly and sat on the ledge, your feet dangling in the open air. You felt Kaeya sit beside you, but you were too entranced by the view to look at him.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I found it accidentally a few nights ago."

"They look like giant stars . . ."

He laughed softly. "Yeah."

After several minutes of comfortable silence, the wind ruffling your hair, you finally pulled your gaze from the mushrooms. 

"You said you found this a couple nights ago?" He nodded. "How long have you been here?" You asked.

"Only a few days," he said. "I came a little early for personal reasons."

"I see," you said, tilting your head so you could see the stars. "Well . . . I'm glad you're here. This is nice. I've . . . missed this."

"Me too," he said quietly. "I'm sorry we stopped hanging out."

"You know that's not what happened."

"A lot happened that I'm sorry for. I've missed you."

You turned away. "Yeah."

"I mean it," he said, putting his hand over yours. You looked at him, confused. "I regret a lot, but nothing more than how I left you. Every day, I wished I'd done things differently. Hurting you was the worst thing I ever did."

You slowly pulled your hand away. "Then why didn't you ever come back?" Your voice was barely above a whisper.

"N/N. . ." His hands were as gentle as his voice as he cupped your cheeks. You could see the alcohol flush on his cheeks—likely the reason why he was doing this in the first place. His eyes were genuine, though, and you felt your feelings turning back to how they were years ago. Back when you had first met Kaeya, when he charmed you with smiles and words and gifts. And then fear settled in.

"I don't—I can't—" You pulled away and he let his hand drop.

"I'm sorry," he said, head hung. "You're right. I shouldn't have said anything, let alone done anything. I messed up back then, and you have no obligation to forgive me."

Your heart hurt. You knew he wasn't saying this to guilt you. And even now, after all this time, you knew you still loved him.

"I . . . I can't right now," you amended. "But . . . maybe we could start over?" You took his hand again, smiling a little as he glanced back up. The hope in his eyes lit up your soul.

"Yes. Please. I—I would love that."

You laughed softly. "Alright. Then as of now we are officially re-meeting. Hi, I'm Y/N." You stuck your hand out to shake. He grinned and took it.

"I'm Kaeya. It's an honor to meet you."


A/N: thank you so much for 200 followers and so many reads/votes! i really appreciate all your support. i read every single comment and you guys are so nice! i hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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