Desiderium - Venti

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A/N: all my progress for this chapter somehow got deleted, so it's coming out a bit later than I wanted it to. Sorry about that, haha. But! Here it is! The Venti oneshot for a dear friend of mine and in celebration of the Windblume Festival! Enjoy :D


The grass felt slick beneath your feet as you trekked towards Windrise. Though morning was hours away, dew had already settled over everything in a fine blanket. The moon and stars provided enough light to see by, but even if it had been pitch black, you would have been able to navigate just fine. You knew the route better than you knew your own home, after all.

A cool breeze tickled your cheek and you grinned.

He was early.

You picked up the pace and could soon hear the soft notes of a lyre drifting on the wind. Nestled in the branches of the tree, nearly hidden from view by the statue, was Venti.

You clambered up beside him and sat, patiently waiting until the song was over.

When he finished, you asked, "What's that one called? I don't think I've ever heard you play it before."

"Oh, um . . . " Venti fiddled with the lyre, moving his fingers up and down one of the strings. "I wrote that one myself. It's called Desiderium."

"You wrote that yourself?" you asked incredulously. "It's beautiful!" Venti turned away bashfully and you swung your legs back and forth, waiting for him to compose himself.

"I, um, actually wrote it . . . for you."

You stopped swinging your legs and looked at him.

"For me?"

Venti nodded. "Would you like to hear it from the beginning?" His hand was poised over the lyre, ready to play or fall to his side according to your command.

"I would love to hear it."

Venti began to play, soft and slow at first, then deeper and sadder. You looked at the stars. The melody reminded you of them. They were always up there, twinkling and shining, but people were always asleep whenever they were visible. Very few ever got to enjoy their full beauty.

The song finished, its last note held out until it faded away naturally.

You looked back over to Venti, surprised to see his gaze already on you. A gaze that was tear-filled and full of longing.

"Venti—what—are you ok? What's wrong?" You were panicking, unsure of why he was crying or what you could do to help.

He smiled sadly, wiping the unshed tears from his eyes. "It's nothing. Just . . . I'm just glad you like the song."

You couldn't help but feel there was much more to it, but you could tell he didn't want you to prod. So instead, you put your head on his shoulder and listened as he wove magic with his music.~~~~~

A/N: I hope this made any sense at all,,, I've been in the car with my siblings for like five days so I'm having a hard time functioning haha. I'll edit tomorrow; just wanted to get this out tonight cos I've been starving y'all and I feel bad :'D

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