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As always I started a book off with a A/n so this is stuff for you to know. I'm going to go over the book basic and then over the information you will need for the book basic off of the background story I give William Afton. So do read that part. It will hold important information.

Book Basic's

Y/n(pov)= Character point of view

(Pov)= point of view

Y/n= your name

L/n= last name

M/n= middle name (if you have one)

S/k= skin tone

E/c= eye color

F/f= favorite food( I don't us this one much but still)

F/d= favorite drink ( I don't us this one ether much but you never know)

F/c= favorite color ( again not really used but You never know)

Now that's done with let's go onto character information.


Age : 27

Tall: 5'4 ( because last time I did one of this you were 5'7 or 5'8 and not many of you are that tall. Lol)

Hair lath: medium. ( I'm picking this hair lath so that you can do a bit with the hair and not just have it loss sorry for those with long or short hair.)

Character life information:

Y/n lives alone in a small apartment building. After the death of her best friend she lost her job and had been a mess. To the point she cut/grown out her hair (for though with long and short hair) she hasn't been out of the house for weeks months. Untale she runs out of money and needs a job. Y/n is thick( this means your not fat nor are you a stick ok). Y/n family could care less for the young girl ever since she was born.

The young girl hates her family and thinks about wanting them dead( sorry if you love your family) y/n has 2 sister and one brother named Susie, Alexa, and James.

This is all of Y/n information that you will need before you continue reading my book. Now on to William's information you will need.

William Afton Information

At a young age William watched his father kill his mother. Ever since then William has been look for the secrets to immortality. His father had found the secret to it at and experimented on William. It had shown great and interesting results. Until William had ran away. Once he did do he started living with his dear friend Henry. As he lived with Henry he had gane jealousy form Henry still having his mother. And because of this William did kill henry's mother. William being Henry only friend. He didn't think that William did it on purpose and always believes that his mother try to kill William. William stayed with Henry until he meet Miss Afton. ( Miss Aftons name will Not ever be said she will always be called a nickname or Miss Afton!!)

After William got with miss Afton he started up a plain to learn more about immortality. When is first son was born he was instantly used in a experiment. From when William was experimented on as a kid would affect the way his children will come out. This gave them the gife of immortality. William killed his first son Terrance. After his death William found that his son soul was still on earth and had decided to use his son's sould to start the idea of immortality. Be has build up information file of a work in progress build of Foxy. Witch has shown to glitch into something that was unusealbe in the pizza rea because of the way it looked.

So William and Henry were soon running low on funs until William son Michael was born. He used the States funs to fun the making of Freddbear and Spring Bonnie. This started up the being of his life of experimenting. As the pizza rea started off William soon found out if he was able to collect souls he could make it so people could become immortal. William soon started to kill in secret as David Miller. As he did so is yougest son Evan was born. Michael soon found out about Williams plans and that he had a older brother. Who was in love with a fox drawing he drew as a kid. Michael soon maked a mask and started to wear it everywhere.

William hated this because Evan was scard of the home made mask. Evan seam to be traumatized by the mask. A few years later of William killing kids. He yougest child was born. Elizabeth.  She just like Terrence loved to create ideas for animatronics. As Henry now worked on the new show that Evan loved to watch. William got stated on the animatronics his daughter has drawn out for him. They each represented a person Williams family.

The baby of the Family was Elizabeth and she drew herself as Circus Baby.

Her mother was drawn as this beautiful dancer known as Ballora.

Evan was drawn and Funtimes Freddy with bon bon representing Evan's stuffed animals.

And Michael was drawn as Foxy because of his mask.

But Elizabeth always felt as if she was ment to have a nother siblings so she drew Lolbit afloating head that could pop us to explain what you need to do. This ended representing her dead brother Terrence.  Because he is in the house just unseen by all but Evan.

William soon started on building them. When he finished he thought of a smart way to make it so he could get more souls without getting his hand all bloody. He then put a killing mechanism into the Funtimes. He also made a soul collecting  unit so that he could continue colleting souls.

This here back fairs when his young daughter at the age of 7 decide to go see the Animatronic. Evan walks in as the animatronic kills Elizabeth making him fear the Giant robotic machinery. After Elizabeth went missing William found out that Michael had new to much. So he had decided he needed to get the boy out of the house. When Evan's birthday came across and William had given Michael the perfect Idea for a prank. William made sure the animatronic would malfunction of the proper timing. Killing Evan. And everyone thinking it was Michael's foult.

After that Michael left the house to go live with Henry when he found out that his father had killed Charlotte. Miss Afton soons finds this out when William comes home one day covered in blood after killing some kids. Miss afton runs out and soon died in a car crash. Not being blood related to William she died and gose to haven.after she is found dead William as soon accused of killing 6 Missing kids. But because the body's weren't found he was let go.

William soon found out that Henry had sold the company. And because of that William needed some money. He soon started to work pizza rea to pizza rea until his death.( As we all know what happen then)

After 30 years or so William soul finely took to the sute. Springtrap was then transfer over to the fazbear frights location . And staded there until it got burned down. He then was taken to the new location what would end it all. But William had thought ahead of that. After he had died his soul followed the links of information that would revive his soul into a new sute. But he was placed in a game instead.

And that is we're are storyline continues from.

I hope you will enjoy this new story of mines. Let's see how far I will get with this one. Lol.

Also if you can keep track of the word count this way you can know how much you have read in fanfiction. Because this is mostly going to be a 23 paged book lol
Word count 1337

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