Dinner With That Family

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Ok we can do this.... I looked back at William and them to notice Michael trying to fix William tie, Evan is try to get Elizabeth to calm down, Jeremy having a mini panic attack, and Sammy trying to keep his shit together. I take a deep breath before speaking." You all have 3 mints to get your shit together. My family knows we're here and I can't just keep standing here. So everyone calm down would you." William eyes open wide before chuckling. He quickly walks over to my side before he started to speak.

" Are apologies Miss L/n we were invited last minute and was in a rush. Y/n was a little stressed at the last minute changes for dinner." I quickly turn around and put on a fake smile. " Mama it's great to see you again." I was barely able to get out of my mouth. She looked at me before looking away. " Well why you standing there come in." She spoke with a mature and strong voice. We are quickly followed her in. I was slightly panicking as anyone else seem to be calm by now. How in the fucking hell did they come they're selfs so quickly.

We followed my mother into the living room. William stood right beside me while Michael tried to keep the other two in check. They are kids so it's kind of hard to do so. Jeremy sorry to panic softly and hold on to Sammy's arm. " So our little sister finally decided to show up took you long enough you actually did bring them and for a second actually thought you guys weren't dating." James spoke out from the room. Williams softly glared at him but didn't say anything. I just shook my head yes before finding a place to sit down.

Everyone started to take their seats. Evan next to Elizabeth. Jeremy and Sammy on the other side of the table from Evan and Elizabeth. Michael sat next to Elizabeth. William said next to Evan. With me next to William. The rest of my family set at the other side of the table. I didn't know what to say so I tried to stay quiet during the whole thing. My father though has something else to say." So what made you like this mistake ?humm...What was your name again?"

William took a deep breath before responding. " You can call me William. About to be honest your daughter's personalities absolutely gorgeous I don't understand were you see a mistake at. I don't see a mirror around here for miles." I quickly cover in my mouth trying not to laugh out. Elizabeth and Evan instantly started to break out with laughter. Michael quickly try to get them to quiet down. Jeremy and Sammy both try to hold in a giggles. My father quickly eyes William up and down before speaking again. " Some nerve you have to speak to me like that. You are the one trying to date my daughter. To be honest I just kick you and your disgusting looking family out."

William Easley got hostile. I quickly put a hand over William before I start speak. " And you wonder why I don't come and visit. All I see here is a bunch of selfish ass bitches. Who honestly don't know how to treat human beings with respect. And you wonder why I ran away. At least he knows how to treat me with some decency. Unlike brother over there. I will end up having a great future. I'm loving husband. With three amazing children. And maybe even when on the way."

I finished up talking . I was about to continue but Michael stop me. " Mother do you mind if we can leave now I have enough of their talking. To be honest I love to get to know you more cuz I am the oldest." I smile softly before shaking my head yes." I couldn't agree more and Michael. We've been here for already a couple of minutes and my family has already seemed to drive my loving family that I care about so much to insanity. So why don't we go right now and leave them here to rot."

I responded  as I got up from my seat. As we start walking to the door my sister Susie start to speak." Running away from your problems now. Wow so original you did that when you were younger. You can't even deal with your own family. What makes you think you can do with his. You're not worthy to be somebody's wife let alone their girlfriend. And a mother what are you going to teach them to run away from their problems. Admit it you are horrible horrible role model."

She smiles as she looks toys William. She then begin to speak again." I can be such a much better role model. And not to mention I'm way more attractive. I don't know why this is attracting young man chose you. Look at yourself. You're still living in that shitty apartment. You don't have enough money to even take care of yourself felt alone a family. To be honest William I think me and you together and leave my pathetic sister in the dusk." I Holden that a deep growl. I chuckle softly as I want them to William.

I then press my lip against his. Surprising enough his lips are super soft. Remind me of silk. Soft and gentle and delicate. Elizabeth started the chance. " Mommy mommy mommy mommy." As she softly  giggled along. Evan soon joined her. My older sister was kind of pissed. Alexa then started to speak. " You call that a kiss. I bet he's facing it. I mean who in the right mind would want to kiss you out of all people you. To be honest the only reason why you were asked to come here so that Susie can have a chance with him. This is quite disgusting to be honest. Think that he can like you. Come on William give Susie a kiss I bet you'll like it a lot better."

Susie then try to pull me away from William. But was  stopped instantly by Michael." I don't like people trying to touch my mom. If you have a problem with a relationship I suggest leaving them alone. Because we don't need no filthy shit like you messing with us. Do you think you can take us to the movies instead. " I pulled away from William who is not a blushing mess. I get off a soft chuckle before responding. " Of course Mikey dear. Anything for my sweet little children." I said before me and them walked to the door.

My sister tried to follow us but what's up instantly by Jeremy and Sammy. Sammy then spoke up. " I'm sorry but too close we can't let anybody hurt this family. They are famous you know. Come on Jeremy we need to go protect them." The follow is out the door. And as we walk away I say one final thing to my family. ( Say what Evey you want to say)I smile as we then walk away.

Word count 1204

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