A Day-te Out With William

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Me and William are going out together. Wait did he tell me to call him my BOYFRIEND!!! I thought I was only allowed to call him boss or GlitchTrap. But I guess he needs to eat like I do. And I do understand that he doesn't want anyone to get to auspicious about him being out I guess. He hasn't really been out in years so. I guess this will have to work. I take a deep breath before walking over to the door. " Let's go shall we Boss." I said opening up the door.

He walks over to me but stops before walking out to say." Call me William wall we're out Y/n" I blush before following him out the door. We then quickly left the building without many people seeing us. "So we're are we going to eat at." William said. I quickly turn around and look at him. We're should we go eat at. I mean. My favorite place is In and out. But maybe we can go somewhere else. I mean there's is this all you can Eat places near by... Before I could even get the world's out my mouths William replied." All right let's go then."

I forgotten that he can read my mind. I then started to walk to the bus stop. It's only 5 blocks away but I don't think it's a good idea to walk. I mean... That would just get us seen by even more people. William quickly stood next to me. As the bus pulled up he grabbed my hand. My face flustered red right away. Why I am I falling for this man? I quickly played for the bus for him and me before we hoped on. About 30 minutes late we got off the bus. Man traffic was bad today.

We then walked over to the place. I can't wait to have F/f and a tall drink of F/d. William quickly grabbed onto my arm. As if he was scared of something. I quickly scanned the room to see Michael Jeremy and Sammy. They were with two kids. I don't recognize them. But from the look William is giving me. I think he does. We soon get sit down at a table a few feet away from them. I then quickly garb William as we go to get are food. I mean it's a all you can eat buffet.

I quickly grad a F/c plate and some silver wear. William quickly grabbed my arm as he tried to hind behind me. I look over to see a young girl. She look to be in her early 20s. I look to the side of her to see James my 30 year old brother. My eyes open wide as I quickly dragged William away from them and back to are sit. I couldn't stop looking there way just to make sure they weren't coming over. William could tell something was wrong. I look back at him to notice him eyeing Michael and them though.

Trying to make it look like he also wasn't playing any attention to me. I look back over to see my brother right in front of us. I jumped a bit witch grasped William attention back to me. "Y/n look at you. And your hear. Heheh. Ruff few days. I wasn't expecting you here. I wouldn't think you'll have the money or time for this place. I mean you never do call. Anyways let me introduce my Girl friend Vanessa." James spoke out. The name Vanessa instantly drawed Williams attention.

I quickly grabbed Williams hand before laughing. " No of course I've been busy me and my boyfriend have been planning out somethings." I suddenly spoke out. William eyes wide. Before laughing with me. " Yes yes. We just been planning something." My brother eyed us both before speaking out." Then why don't you to stop on by next week. I mean mom and Dad would be so excited to see you again." I froze his he for real I don't even like them. Mother called me a ho when I was six and Father is the one who kicked me out at age 18.

"So why not come. I mean you can see Alexa And her husband and son. And Susie was just promoted to Manager of her big office job. I bet the family would love to hear what you done with the pass few years I mean. You are 27 remember. You have to have done something's. I mean Alexa is only what 22 and she is married with a baby." I froze as James continued to go on. I don't want to see them again I hate them. All of them. Why did this happen today of all days.

William soon spoke up." You know Y/n talks about you guys all the time. She tells me that she wishes that she can see you all so much more but today is the only day she has off from work. And We want to enjoy this time with each so can you do us a favorite and just Leave. I don't like seeing my Sugar Cake so worried about family on a day she needs to rest." James stopped and looked at William before speaking up again. " And we're dose my sister work as. A janitor."

James soon started to brust out with laughter. Man this day just keeps getting worst and worst.... " Y/n is that you. It is and... Dad!!!.... Um." I look over to see Michael standing up next to James. It just got worst. I quickly cover my face as I started to feel even more embarrassed by the moment." And how do you know my sister. Wait let me guess she sucked you off for a shiny penny." James spoke out as he started to laugh even more. Michael looked over at William before speaking." I'm her Boss. And Y/n we will have a talk later about a promotion. Feel free to bring." Michael stopped what he was saying by My brother speaking up." Her boyfriend over there with her. He may need a job I mean look at him." Well I have dubbed

Word count 1047

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