Building Up GlitchTrap

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I sighed as I continue to work. It was starting to get late. I know Michael and them were most likely going to be keeping a eye on me. I mean this Bunny from what I Know wants me to help him out. And I'm doing so. I can't let Michael find out about this. He seams to be the most stressed about the situation. I look away from my project and back up at my computer screen. I look away as a idea Popped up in my head. What if he can tell me what to do?

I mean it's not that hard to program a AI that can take a corrupted game file and make it into a taking voice . I have done it when I was younger. So I should still be able to do so. I quick get up and walk over to my desktop and start to program the software needed to making the bunny in the game talk to me. After a few minutes I had a bases for the programming. And I can us this in his suits as a starting point for his transfer over. I smile as I stepped back and headed off to my room for bed.

It was late after all. Almost 12 AM. I yon before I lay my head down. As I do I can hear someone calling my name. "Y/n soon. Y/n help me. I shot up eyes wide open. Did I hear that correctly. I quickly shake my head. Maybe I was hearing things now. "Y/n come on. It will only take a few minutes to finish the suit my love". The deep yet childish voice rang in my ears. I blushed as the voice called me love. But once again I shake my head. It's late I should sleep.

As I go to lay my head down again the voice spoke again. "Five minutes I promise my sugar plum.then you can rest your gorgeous head down to rest." I soon bit my bottom lip. " Ok five more minutes would hurt me." I say quietly to Myself as I get up and walk back to the living room. I sighed as I pull up the programming for the bunny known as William. As I get it up I started to get the voice set to a automatic response. I then sit down and starts to get to work.

As I do work William tells me what to do it build up the suit. As I work the time seam to fly bye. 5 minutes turned into 50 mints. Then 2hours. And the next thing I known it was almost 6am. I yon as I feel my eyes start to drift. I was able to get the body frame of the Endo skeleton done. I soon fell asleep. As I hear a voice speak out. " You did well dear. But we still have much to do....hum.. I forgot how tried the human body gets after 24 hours of no rest. We can pick this back up in 2 hours then."

When I woke up I was in my bed. Strange enough I don't recall walking over to my room to rest. I soon sit up as I see Michael in my room nexted to me." Good to see your up. I came to check up on you. Jeremy didn't want to come and Sammy is to busy trying to solve our situation." My eyes open wide. Then out of pure confusion I scream." How the fuck did you get in my house!" Michael stopped before he started to laugh. What was so funny.

I legitly wanted to know how he got inside. He slowly started to calm himself down as he the spoke up. " You feel asleep in the living room with the front door open. I don't know what you could have been working on for you to fall asleep in the living room like nothing happened." I froze as I looked at him. I feel asleep with the front door unlocked. Wait were in William then. I was still working on his suit. Did Michael not see it. Did someone still it... My mind soon started to race before Michael spoke up .

I quickly looked at him as he dose. " Don't worry according to the apartment owner nothing was stolen from your apartment. They even said nobody came in or out. So all of your valuable objects should be still here." I relaxed softly as Michael said that. I take a deep breath. I'll have to look around for William. Right now he's just a endoskeleton suit. He couldn't have gone far. I then look away then back at Michael when I question hits me. " Why did you need to stop by to check on me again?"

Michael laughs women it before covering his mouth. He calmed himself down again before speaking up. " After what happened yesterday Jeremy, Sammy, and I wanted to make sure that you weren't up to anything suspicious. So I decided to stop by. But by the looks of things you fell asleep in the living room doing nothing apparently. There's nothing else around you when I found you there. So I just figured you spaced out and pasted out there."

I giggled before quickly get up and speed working Michael to the door as I frantically start to talk." Well Michael as you can tell I haven't been up to anything. It was lovely having you stop by. But I have to look around my house for some stuff to make sure like the front office said that nothing went missing." Michael surprised by my response tries to speak as I get him to the front door." Ok then Y/n I'll see you later today then... Um you should get more rest you seam t..." I cut Michael off as I quickly closed the door. I wait for Michaels footsteps to dissipate before I start searching my apartment.

As I do so I then hear William speak out." About time he left. I was just finishing up my suit myself before he showed up. Now that your up. You can finish it as I work on the  illusion disc." My eyes open wide as I quickly turn around.

Word count 1060

Just a Glitch Or a Trap (William Afton X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now