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I can't keep doing this, I'm so tired. I crawl out of bed and feel a sharp pain in my leg. Yesterday a spider bit my ankle, normally this wouldn't be a problem but I don't have anything to bandage it or sanitize it with. "Tommy! You are finally awake! I've been waiting," Dream yells from a few feet away "You know you should keep me waiting its rude," he says as he bites into a golden apple. I realize I'm staring and look to my feet "Well apologize," he grits his teeth and steps into my tent when he notices my spider bite and kicks dirt into it "you should learn so manners, now through it all into the hole" I wince and try to tell him "I don't have anything to-" "then go mining so I have something to blow up"

I start walking to my mine when my spider bite really catches up to me and I fall "AHhh" I yell and fall. I try catching myself but my elbows are too weak. Dream walks over and lends me a hand "You know what, its ok. Now let's get you bandaged up" "Thanks Dream, I'm sorry I didn't get any armor or wake up earlier," I say struggling to get to my feet "Don't worry! Just don't mess up next time" Dream said happily

A couple hours pass, my ankle is bandaged up but still stings when I walk. "Bye Tommy!" Dream faded away just like every other day. I wait a couple minutes before stumbling into the portal. The heat wraps me up but not like pain, its a dry and suffocating heat. "The screaming station" I mumble to myself, I still can't scream no matter how much I want to. All that comes out is a dry cough. I sit on the hot wooden path and set my compass next to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you Tubbo, I'm sorry I couldn't finish your symphony Wilbur, I'm sorry I couldn't follow your directions Dream, I'm sorry I couldn't be a better son Phil, I'm sorry I never visited that base you mentioned Sam, I'm sorry I didn't help you when Wilbur died Fundy, I'm sorry I was such a pain to everyone that came near me, I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner"

Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava

After-life (Ghostinnit Phantommy dsmp au)Where stories live. Discover now