Tommy's Wings

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I wake up, but I thought I killed myself? I get out of bed and notice a memorial, is that? Why are there pictures of me? I float over wait... IM FLOATING? I go to the beach and my reflection is...

I really am dead.

My hair is tipped with flames, my legs fade to smoke, my hands are charred, my face is burned with tear streaks, my eyes are normal but have a tinge of red, and a floating compass is around my neck engraved with "Your Tubbo" on the side.

If I'm dead why am I still me? Why can a remember? How long has it been since I died? My head pounds like its too full of questions and is going to explode. I start crying and notice spots of the sand below me turning to glass. I'm crying lava, I touch the molten tears and it doesn't hurt, its just a little warm. I pick up the beads of glass in the sand and hold them to the light, they are so pretty. I shove them in my pocket and find a clump of pink dye. I hold it and feel my anger melt away.

I float back to the memorial to look at what people left for me, there is an enchanted golden apple that Techno probably left, a beanie with FRS embroidered into the rim from Quackity, a doll of Tommy that Puffy knitted,and piece of blue that kinda looks like a T that Ghostbur put.

There is a statue of me holding disks and a LManburg flag. In the base of the statue the words "Tommy finally got his wings" engraved in Philza's writing. Pfft I didn't get wings, I think to myself.

"Sigh, Why couldn't I just go to the afterlife like Wilbur?" 

300 words sorry these are always so short i'm trying to post as often as possible so they are kinda short

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