Just as Bad, but Better

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Third person POV (omniscient)

"I'm sorry I didn't want to make you upset I just didn't know where to go I will leave if you want-" Tommy rambles and drops the pink dye as he backs away.

"Tommy come back, you can stay" Techno blurted out without thinking. Phil got up and hugged the heated ghost. "I'm sorry" he whispered. Lava spilled from Tommy's eyes again. "please back up I don't want to burn you" Tommy wiped the molten rock from his face and onto the patio. The wood sizzled but didn't start a fire.

A couple hours later after getting Tommy situated and comfortable, they started asking questions, or... Techno asked questions. Phil wasn't really mentally ready to talk to Tommy just yet.

"How did you die?"

"I don't like that question"

"Ok... what do you remember?"

"Well I know I'm not like ghostbur, I'm still Tommy my memory is just a little foggy. I remember practically everything"

"I'm glad you are still Tommy"

Tommy was visibly displeased with what he said. All Tommy wanted was to go to a peaceful afterlife with Wilbur and Mexican dream, he was supposed to be done with all this.

Techno realized how uncomfortable Tommy seemed. "You can talk to me more when you are ready, for now I think you should should just try to feel better. Maybe talking to Ghostbur will make you feel better"

Techno asked Phil to get Ghostbur. Phil went out to go get Ghostbur when he saw the cheery ghost and Friend making their way over. Phil came to Ghostbur and explain the situation. Ghostbur was absolutely ecstatic.

Ghostbur and Tommy started talking while Techno and Phil eavesdropped from the next room. They heard Tommy's cries. He opened up about all the horrors of exile, but Techno could tell he wasn't telling the full story. Then... then they heard Tommy say it. Tommy told Ghostbur he ended it himself. 


After-life (Ghostinnit Phantommy dsmp au)Where stories live. Discover now