Apples don't Pick Themselves and Dreams don't either

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Techno started crying. The blood god himself had tears in his eyes. The voices were just as sad as he was. They wanted Dream bled dry. The voices were vengeful and pained. Techno and Phil agreed on a plan.

"Hey boys, we are going apple picking" Phil's words were laced with sadness.

There was heaps of blue strewn about the room. Tommy had a red and blue dye in each hand, both being held so tight they melted between his fingers. Lava was dripping all over and Tommy's hair was much fiery than before. His coal hands had molten cracks growing with each moment.

Ghostbur was holding Tommy tight and had steam rising from him. Tommy's heat and Ghostbur's chill didn't mix well. Ghostbur's hands were stained blue and he had tears falling from his eyes. Ghostbur looked mortified.

Techno cleared his throat and walked out the door trying not to get upset any more than he already was. Phil followed behind him with his wings hiding his puffy eyes.

They made their way to L'Manburg through the nether. Now Techno and Phil were blind with rage and pain. You could hear Techno huffing and growling. Phil was picking at his feathers and trying not to go ape shit.

They walked through the portal and sprinted to Dream who was chatting with Eret. They convinced Dream to come with them to a forest near Techno's base. They told Dream to set his spawn quickly because they had something to show him.

Dream foolishly anticipated some kind of gift but was met with attacks and potions and yells of rage. He panicked and didn't think. He died confused and startled. He respawned with none of his stuff. Techno built walls around the bed quickly and stood on top of them.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Dream yelled. Techno let out a loud huff and said one thing "Blood for the blood god" he stabbed Dream and splashed him with a wither potion. "Please Technoblade I will do anything" Dream pleaded for a milk bucket or a gapple "what did you do to Tommy Dream?" Phil hissed.

Dream spilt all the gritty details of what he did down to kicking dirt in his bites.

"I exploded his stuff"

"I made him mine when he didn't have anything to give"

"I made sure his only food source could be me"

"I kept him from- I tried to"

the list went on.

Phil saw red. Techno knew Tommy was sugar coating some stuff but... damn. Dream thought telling them meant he got to live but soon realized he was greatly mistaken. Techno lifted his axe to kill him but- "YOU GREEN BASTARD" Phil got there first.

Phil kicked around the body to make sure he was dead. Yep. He was very dead. 

466 words, one more chapter and this is pretty much done (i will post a second book about it though)

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