Another son

145 3 0

Techno runs back to the house and sees Phil crying and heading to the portal "PHIL" he keeps running and gets to Phil "Phil we need to go see Tommy" Philza just falls to his feet "Tech I can't lose another son" he sobs and Techno hugs him "It's going to be ok"

They are in the nether going to Tommy's portal and run into Dream who is also going to check on Tommy "BACK UP DREAM" "hes not currently excepting visitors," Dream eyes Phil "plus he probably doesn't want to see him after the, you know... incident" Technoblade's voices are furious. He lunges and cracks Dream's mask "don't ever talk to Philza like that in front of me"

Dream fights back but Techno is too quick even for him

Dream was slain my Technoblade

Phil is still crying and when they get to the camp... nothing.

144 omg omg omg i'm soo sorryyy this is so short 

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