~Chapter 5~

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was so happy when Doflamingo wake up at the afternoon the next day. I asked him if he had any nightmare lastnight and he said he didn't. The donquixote family were worried when their young master didn't come for the breakfast or lunch.

"I can just kidnap you and make you stay." Doflamingo grinned down at me, ruffing my hair. I chuckled. "Stop missing with my treasure's hair!" Shanks yelled angry. "Benn! Let me go!" The first mate shook his head and wrapped his arms tightly around his Captain.

The red force is ready to set sail. We said goodbye to the Donquixote pirates and went inside the ship.  I was surprised when Doflamingo grabbed my wrist and  gave me his vivre card. "If you need my help just call me and I'll immediately come." He smiled his signature crazy smile and laughed when I took a few steps back.

"I don't even want to know what's inside that mind of yours." I jumped to the ship and Shanks immediately pulled me to a bone crashing hug. "Now you're all mine. He won't have you." He laughed.

"Shanks... I'm still angry that you left me alone wandering around in the town!" I pulled his ear. "You won't drink wine for a week!"

"WHAT?!" The redhead idiot gasped and fell to his knees. What a drama queen. "For a week?!"

"Yes. If you won't listen to my orders then I'll leave this ship imme-" I wasn't able to continue cause the yonko covered my mouth. "Shhh! Shh! I won't drink for a week! Don't leave!" He kissed my cheek and ran to the kitchen. " But I'll have one more drink before that okay?"

"Shanks! Come back here!!" I yelled while chasing him.


T. I. M. E.    S. K. I. P.

It has been a month since I started traveling with the red hair pirates. They became my second family.

During the month, we went to many different islands and fought many pirate crews. I don't understand why they want to fight a yonko... They really have a death wish...

Right now, me, Benn and Shanks were at a restaurant having lunch while the crew were getting supplies.

"Hey hot stuff." A drunk man came to our table. He was eyeing my body with lust witch disgusted me to no end. "Why don't you come with me and have fun huh?" He licked his lips while looking at my chest.

Both Benn and Shanks got up. The first mate stood in front of me while Shanks didn't waiste time and punched the pervert in the face making him flying out of the restaurant.

"Don't you dare look at my (y/n) with that look." Shanks sat down and pulled me to his lap, wrapping his only arm around me. "Mine..." He mumbled glaring at the men around us.

"For God's sake Shanks. I don't want to sit at your lap. I'm not a child!" I punched him away and tried to got up but couldn't. Benn were laughing at my desperate look.

"It's not funny Benn!" I kicked his leg and he moened in pain. "That hurts you know."

"Don't care." I smirked and looked around. The restaurant was full with many people. At the corner of my eye, I saw a group of pirates sitting not too far from our table. They were looking at our direction.

One of them was holding a bounty and looking at me. When he saw I was looking at him, He looked away and I swear I saw a little blush on his face.

Who is this guy? I feel like I saw him before. What got my attention was the X on his chest and chin...





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