"You think you can escape being the Sorcerer of Death?"

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(Y/n) didn't move a muscle, she waited till Gojo was asleep before she got up and went to the bathroom

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(Y/n) didn't move a muscle, she waited till Gojo was asleep before she got up and went to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror she noticed how flustered she was, as she was just confessed to. But what concerned her the most was how he did it, he told his secret thinking she was asleep.

Not only did she have her journey to worry about, now she had to pretend that she doesn't know about the Alphas feelings. After taking a few moments to calm down, she exited the bathroom only to run into a hard surface. Quickly looking up her (e/c) orbs met blue ones, her breathing stopped for a second not wanting to deal with this situation just yet.

"So you were pretending to sleep huh?" Gojo softly stroked her hair from her face, while letting his free hand land on her waist, gripping slightly so she couldn't escape.

"I- Um.... yeah." (Y/n) avoided eye contact, a little embarrassed that she got caught. "But I just didn't know how to face you after what we did... so I pretended to sleep." Her hands slowly grabbed the edge of Gojos shirt, as she placed her head on his chest. " I'm sorry but I don't know how I feel."

Love wasn't something that came naturally to (y/n), she wasn't raised exactly the same as other kids. She didn't understand how people could feel it, or how people knew they were in love. She didn't have much confidence in the feeling.

While (y/n) was having a mental battle with herself, Gojo smiled slightly and placed a hand on her head. "I wasn't expecting you to respond to these feelings. Now let's head to bed." He let go of the female and went straight to bed, not saying another word.


The next morning went smoother than (y/n) expected. She thought it would have been more awkward, but to her surprise Gojo acted as nothing happened.

Walking out of the cottage , the duo were back on the journey of finding the truth, about what (y/n) really was. However, the further she went into this journey, an uneasy feeling was resting deep inside her core once again.

Putting the feeling aside, (y/n) grabbed the map that was given to her by her sensei, and proceed to read it. Unfortunately, she had very little knowledge about reading a map.

"It's upside down silly." A laugh escaped the male that was following her. "Give it, I'll help." (Y/n) just pouted as she handed the map to his outreached hand, not liking that the Alpha noticed her flaw.
Another laugh left Gojo has he was now leading the journey to find this traveler.


Night fell and the duo had to find level ground to set up their tents. There wasn't much to see in this first day, no towns or rest stops, just nature. It was too late in the night to try to find another cottage, so the only option tonight was to camp.

Once (y/n) set up her tent, she set out to find some wood to start a fire. She had returned with a stack of fire wood after about fifteen minutes. As she was setting the fire Gojo came out with two rabbits that he just caught.

"Just in time, I caught us dinner for the night, hope you like rabbit." A brig grin spread across his face. "Ooo can we tell scary stories while we sit around the fire?"

"Our whole life is a scary story, we hunt curses for a living." (Y/n) stated while she prepared the rabbit. She was deep in thought thinking about how she was almost like this rabbit, trapped in the hands of a predator and meeting an unavoidable end.What the hell was the Sorcerer of Death? And how did it tie to her life? 

(Y/n) quickly snapped out of the depressing thoughts, not wanting Gojo to pick up on her ill mood. She cooked the rabbit and ate it, then decided it was time for bed. Without saying a word, she headed to her tent and went to sleep.


Leaves crunch under the weight of (y/n)'s feet, leaving behind evidence that someone had been walking down this path. Looking around, she was surrounded by trees dancing in the wind, and just up ahead she could hear the sound of water hitting rocks.

Without thinking she followed the sound, it sounded so peaceful, and peaceful was something she always dreamt about. Once she was by the water she looked down at her reflection, but quickly regretted the decision.

Looking back at her was something else, it had her face but it's eyes were red and horns protruding out of its skull. Looking further down it had the body that of a human with black scales escaping out of some spots. But what caught her eye the most was the giant tail that came out behind it, it looked like it belonged to an oversized lizard.

(Y/n) felt that she knew who this thing was, but she didn't want to believe it. She sat down by the edge of the water and waited for the thing to disappear, but unfortunately it's red eyes just stared deep into her soul, unmoving.

"You think you can escape being the Sorcerer of Death?"

(Y/n) didn't even bother to turn her head, she already recognized his voice since this isn't the first dream he's appeared in."What does the great Sukuna want this time?" She replied.

"Just trying to entertain myself, I get bored quite easily." He walked closer to the seated Omega, once he was close he run his long nails across her face, drawing blood in the process.

"What will you do when you find out what the Sorcerer of Death really is hmm?" A creepy grin spread wide across his face, enjoying this little game of torment. Obviously knowing something (y/n) didn't.

Tightly grabbing her chin Sukuna forced her to her feet and met her (e/c) eyes. "What will you do when you find out what you did to your parents?"

Her eyes widen, taken aback by his question, but before she could reply he disappeared, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Hey everyone :) thank you for all the reads and adding my book to your library

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Hey everyone :) thank you for all the reads and adding my book to your library. It really surprises me how much people love this story.

I appreciate every single one of you! 💋

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