"Let this be known that you belong to me."

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She sat on the edge by the window, staring out into the garden that surrounded the prison she called home

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She sat on the edge by the window, staring out into the garden that surrounded the prison she called home. All she would give just to have a taste of the fresh air, to experience the soil in-between her fingers as she planted the flowers- to be free from this room.

But she has been locked in this cell for twenty years, given three miserable meals and water. Until one day that cell door opened. Two demons stepped through the opening. They had the body of a human, but stretched. Their head were that of a large horse with a long horn protruding out in the middle. The demons grabbed the girl and proceeded to walk her out.

It would be wise not to struggle

While being lead to an unknown room, she was taking in every detail she could while being out of that cell. She should have kept her head down. There, nailed high on the wall of the immense tunnel, was a mangled corpse. One leg was torn off, then burned to keep then victim from bleeding to death. The skin was cut clean off the body, so she couldn't make out who it was, and harsh cuts were make across various parts of the anatomy.

After seeing such a horrific scene, she had a feeling she no longer mattered. Her head was down once more, for she didn't want to witness anymore gore that the room had to offer. Her eyes focused on the eroding rock that her feet made contact with, droplets of water falling above her. Seems like she was in a cave of some sort, it could have been a beautiful place once, but her mind didn't wander too far. The demons forced her to stop and then a huge and dark presence engulfed her body, making her knees shake.

She didn't have to look up to know who was in front of her. That same ungodly power was with her when she was a baby, haunting her dreams every night. Now she was standing before the eyes of her nightmare.


The demons hands tightened slightly around her arms, giving away how scared they were, once the order was given. The voice held so much raw power that she wasn't surprised, but now she was alone with the creature. Her head was still down, one hand over her arm, griping tightly to stop her shaking. There was no mistaking that she was the prey in the sight of her predator, waiting to be killed. Tears started to invade her vision and small gasps could be heard. There was no mistake that these sounds were coming from her.

"Come here child."

Trembling, she had no choice but to obey. It seemed like an hour passed before she was finally in arms length of the creature, she had to walk slow in order not to fall. The entire time her life flashed before her eyes, but it was just the same image over and over again. A fragile girl sitting in a cell, waiting for her next meal- waiting to be set free.

Suddenly a rough hand seized her chin, blood dripping from underneath the creatures claws from the force, making her gaze fall on IT in the end. The sight made her want to vomit, not because of how hideous IT looked but because of the fear that flooded her body. Two pair of eyes stared right into her soul, six horns sticking out from It's goat like head, and a cosmic killing instinct. Then Its other hand gripped her forearm with a massive amount of pressure and shooting pain shot through her; making her scream.

Agony blanketed her sense, as she looked down. Her stomach rose at the trickling blood and ripped tendons, her skin pulled back to accommodate the shaft of a bone shard protruding clean through. The demon had broken her arm in a matter of seconds.

"Let this be known that you belong to me. And there is nothing you can do to escape your fate."

Rough finger let her go and the girl fell to the floor, sobbing.

"Take her back to the cell and begin preparations for the days to come."


Its been two days since she been thrown back into this forsaken cell, and no one helped fix her arm. The pain overwhelmed her to the point of screaming whenever she nudged the embedded bit of bone, and she had no other option but to sit there, letting the wound weaken her strength, trying her best not to think of the constant throbbing that shot pain through her.

But what was the worst was the growing panic- panic that the wound hadn't stopped bleeding. She knew what it meant when blood continued to pass through a injury. She kept her eyes on the wound, either out of hope that the blood would start to clot, or out of fear that she find the first signs of infection.

She couldn't eat the food that was given to her. The sight of it triggered such nausea that a corner of her cell was now a resting place for her vomit. She sat against the far wall, savoring the coolness of the stone against her back, her injured arm dangling next to her. Her eyelids were heavy, but she couldn't go to sleep. She was to make sure the wound wasn't infected-

The door suddenly opened, fear coiled in her stomach as a male figure was now in front of her. Now her mind was playing tricks on her, for this male was handsome. He had red hair and sharp yellow eyes, that resembled a cat. His ears were long and pointy and he wasn't wearing a shirt, exposing a quit nice and muscled torso. But there was something off about this male.

"How amusing. This is how you want to envision me?"

That voice shook her very core. It belonged to the same creature who broke her arm. But why does he look like this now?

"What a sorry state you are in."

"Go to hell," She snapped, anger now her best friend, but the words were a little more than a wheeze. Her head was light and heavy all at once.

He stalked closer with a feline grace and dropped into a crouch before her. He sniffed, glancing at the corner splattered with her vomit. An evil smirk stalked on his face.

"Where do you think we are?"



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Hey everyone..... I know it's been a while but I haven't forgotten this story. I've just been going through a lot of bull. Please bear with me, I will finish this story 😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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