"Darkness surrounds you, it's something you'll never be able to avoid."

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I changed the POV :)



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A small opening could be seen in the distance, with trees overhanging over the pathway

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A small opening could be seen in the distance, with trees overhanging over the pathway. The sounds of a waterfall could be heard, hitting the surface beneath it, eroding away the rocks in its wake. The moon hanging high in the sky, reflecting its beauty on the surface of the reservoir. All forms of life flocked towards the body of water, wanting nothing but the peaceful ambiance, and just like any other creature you walked towards the gentle sounds. Your bare feet walked along the path, digging into the earth with each step. You knew all too well that this peaceful scenery wouldn't last long, that these dreams always came with a warning.

You continued on the path to the pond, walking on the edge until you found a comfortable spot to take in the image before you. Crouching down, you wrapped your arms around your legs and rest your chin on top of your knees, looking down at the crystal blue water. Just like your last dream what you saw on the surface was not your reflection, but rather the home you grew up in. Its been years since you last saw that god forsaking environment, and what happened next left you in dismay.

The front door opened, and a little kid around the age of five ran out into the front yard, your father right behind. You suspected that he would yell at the child, but instead he was laughing and playing chase with them. After a while of watching there was a ripple in the image below, confused you touched your face and realized that you were crying. The realization of your parents having another child and erasing your very existence from the home you grew up in, made you feel sickly.

Why did bad things happen to you?

"Darkness surrounds you, it's something you'll never be able to avoid."

With a deep sigh and a very noticeable eye roll, you spoke. "Right on time Sukuna, was beginning to wonder when you were going to ruin the mood even more."

Like always there was a smug smirk glue to his face, as he stared at you, eyes full of malice. Obviously striking a nerve.

"Watch it brat, you don't seem to understand that these aren't dreams, but your domain . I can easily hurt you here." Sukuna crossed his arms and continued. "You are wanting to know what the Sorcerer of Death is? In the darkness of the night, when the moon is at its highest, follow The Three Kings. All your questions will be answered. Go. Alone." Then vanished.


You awoke from your slumber, feeling strong arms wrapped around your waist, in a protective and loving manner. You looked outside the window and realized that the night still lingered. Flashbacks of what happened a couple hours ago, rushed back to the surface and embarrassment didn't even began to describe how you felt. However, you didn't regret the decision, but remembering what had happen in your domain, you couldn't get caught up in this comfortable atmosphere.

Slowly removing Gojos arms away from your waist, you placed your bare feet onto the cold floor and proceed to get dressed. Instantly you felt your heart twinge once you were out of such a loving embrace, that's when you really looked at the man you had shared your first with. His face looked so relaxed against the moonlight that seeped through the gaps of the window blinds. Just looking at him made your heart melt, and that's when it hit you, like a slap to the face. You were in love with Gojo Satoru.

How could you be so naïve? Your inner Omega had always been telling you something, why you were okay with all his little touches or how his flirting didn't bother you. Underneath all the trauma you had experienced you were still able to love, you just realized too late. However, this mission to find the truth of what you were, had to be done alone from this point on.

"Darkness surrounds you, it's something you'll never be able to avoid."

If what Sukuna said was true, then you didn't have the heart to pull Gojo further down the path that was meant for you. Plus Sukuna was clear on you continuing the journey alone, which meant Gojo could get hurt if he continued to tag along- forgiveness wouldn't come easy if that were to happen.

Walking closer to the sleeping Alpha, you bent down and placed a tender kiss on top of his forehead. Taking in every last detail you could of his face, engraving it into your mind. Unknowing if this will be the last interaction you would have with him. You knew all too well Gojo would protest to you adventuring out alone, but you had a feeling this was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, tracing your thumb over his cheek, softly.

Once the words left your mouth, you flipped the switch to your emotions and left into the darkness of the night. You had a mission to accomplish and that was the priority.

" In the darkness of the night, when the moon is at its highest, follow The Three Kings. All your questions will be answered."

You thought back to the words that left the mouth of the King of Curses, but couldn't register the underline meaning. All you knew is that you needed to travel at night, but what the hell were the Three Kings? This might take some time to figure out, so you pulled out the map and continued to follow the dirt road, hoping it was the right direction.


After about an hour or so, you were still walking in the dead of night, with the moonlight gently illuminating the pathway. The wind softly rustled through the trees, whispering sweet nothings past their branches. Singing of the crickets and your feet hitting the dirt, were the only sounds that could be heard in the distance, it was quite relaxing.

You lifted your head high, and watched as the stars danced in the heavens. Witnessing nothing but the constellations revealing the path for travelers to follow. Then realization hit you- Sukuna was hinting to you to pursue the stars. Your eyes located the North Star and to the right was the top half of Orion's Belt, also known as The Three Kings. You drew an invisible line through the stars and it pointed to the South. Know looking at Orion's Belt, once more, it was a straight line leading in the direction of Southwest. That's the location you needed to head towards.

With this new found information, you set off into the horizon, no longer looking back- afraid of turning around retreating back into the arms of your Alpha. This was a hard decision, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to find the truth.


As a thank you for understanding my, almost 2 month ghosting spell, I present you another chapter

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As a thank you for understanding my, almost 2 month ghosting spell, I present you another chapter. ☺️

Fated Pairs: Gojo Satoru x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now