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When Idama's parents found out she was pregnant and she told them that she was raped they didn't believe her.

"why would you go and get yourself pregnant, knowing that you  are incapable of taking care of the thing."  her father yelled

"i was raped i keep tell you and you're not believing me " she cried with tears in her eyes.

"Okay if you were so-called rape who did it then," her mother asked looking at their teary-eyed daughter

"You wouldn't believe me if i told you, so what is the point of tell you." she rolled her eyes. Knowing in her parent's eye Vonkay could never do anything wrong, this man burnt their old house down because he was being careless and didn't put out his cancer stick correctly. And they said it was okay nothing would be missed but the whole time Idama's dog was in there and died and they have never said anything about it nor did they get her a new dog not that she wanted to replace Gen. 

"Just tell us so we can take care of it damn" her father demanded looking at her. Her brother the baby's father is sitting back enjoying the scene that is unraveling before him.

"It was Vonkay but like i said you wouldn't believe me" she said searching of emotion from the face of her parents which she didn't receive. They just laughed 

"you just a lil attention seeking whore aren't you trying to slander my good name for something i didn't do."  Vonkay said laughing

"how far along are you girl" her mother asked looking at her bump which is not visible due to the oversized hoodie she was wearing

"about 6 months or so--" she was cuz off with a backhand to the face from her father

"you little whore after everything i have given you. you go and try to damage my good family's name with this shit." he said hitting her again she held her face looking at her father

"go pack you shit you finna go live with your aunt till that bastard is gone then you can come back. GO NOW" he yelled

"this is not right why am I the one in trouble when I was the one who was raped by her older brother. that shit makes no sense at this point just leave me there because it's obvious you don't even care about me. I have not been the same since I turned 12 but you didn't notice but when Von was feeling a lil depressed yall were so quick to want to help him. He is a grown-ass man still living with his parents. I whole bumass pussy ass nigga  with nothing going for him. I bet you the best part of that twisted bastard's day is when he is raping me at night when yall are in your room but do you care. You guys didn't even notice that I was not home for a whole week last year. But yall do everything for me. I never asked for anything always kept my mouth shut continuously watched as you handed out the attention and love I craved from you but you just give me gifts to make up for it. It only making me hate y'all and myself because of it but please instead of fixing the problem send me away i used to being ignored." she said walking way to my room packing my things

"Idama i never knew you felt that wa--" 

"its because you never asked and you would not have found out by me telling you but by a well written letter but its fine i guess." her cut my mother off

"Da I'm sorry--

"Nigga save that sorry for someone who actually care because you was not sorry when you was raping me. You only sorry cuz you now know how i feel but i digress its fine i am going to be peachy" she said cutting Von off still packing my shit

"can y'all go i need to pack my shit to leave but thank you for your hospitality mwah" she stressed pushing them out and closing her door.

There were many times when she wanted to end to all but whenever it came round she made a new friend that shows her that life has shit to offer.

She moved with her aunt and had the baby 2 months later named him Tsunami Egypt Ocean after her first best friend who died. For a girl of her age, she was an amazing mother going to school online until she was able to go back to school and putting nami in a daycare. After she had Nami she soon learned that's its fuck what others had to say about her and her life. When it came to her son he was gonna shoot behind him.  After Idama started getting into fights at school her spiteful aunt called her parents and told them. Her parents and von flew down to Chicago when Eqypt turned 6 months and had him taken from her. And some nights later she stabbed Von in his chest and left him there bleeding out.

"oops my mad shawty ian see you there" she laughed steeping over von's body and walking away and quickly grabbing her some clothes, the gun which she stole from von room and extra clip and money while leaving her phone, apple watch and .

"I going to the store real quick" she yelled walking out the door. After her walking for 1 hour

"aye girl in the red shirt" idama yelled 

"Idama" the girl yelled Quality walking toward Idama

"i missed you. you sure you parents cool with me staying with yall?" Idama asked

"girl yes you basically live with us at this point, they understand everything. Did you get your parents to sign the papers?" Quality asked

"yea i toldem it was field trip paper with a medical waiver and they signed it." she laughed

"is Shoota at home i wanna bully him." Idama asked as they got in the car.

"nah he in the car" she said as idama took off run and jumped on him

"slime" he said 


I was fr pose to write this shit but i have been lazy so here y'all. Hope yall hoes enjoy see y'all next month or whenever i decide that  school is not it again. Speaking on school I'm defy failing biology lmaoooo. 

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-mwah slimdabrat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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