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I'm changing Idama n Gino relationship dynamic 


"Mook bring yo ugly ass in my office right quick,"i said into my office phone

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"Mook bring yo ugly ass in my office right quick,"i said into my office phone

"nigga ain't shit ugly over here bitch except yo wife stop fucking playing with me" she said mugging me as she laid on the couch in my office

"wassup mr.bossnigga" she asked not looking at me

"we going to ATL fa a meeting for a new restaurant I'm opening early next year." i stated throwing a previously balled up paper at her.

"Is that how you treat your best friend?" she said with a pout

"hoe fuck this relationship," i said mugging her

"welp i guess i quit. so fuck you and this job bitch i hope you accidentally shoot yourself in the dick bitch" she looked at me and i looked at ha and busted out laughing

"bitch you are dumb as shit but we leaving tomar" i said and she sat up and mugged the shit outta me making me laugh

"what idama you just mugging me fa" i said confused

"nigga you just telling me now ion have shit packed. What time are we leaving" she said rolling her eyes

"We leaving bout 3am " i said and she walked she punched the shit outta my arm

"fuck you with yo manly ass" as i pushed her ass away from me

"I'm leaving i have to pack and get she together and make sure my child is fine with Shoota. Gonna give me mothafunkin less than 24 hours to pack my shit together i should shoot yo ass." she said as she slammed my door

15 minutes later

i called idama on the phone

Gino Idama

idama did yo ass really leave?

Yes nigga i told you!! you ain't give enough notice to be ready bitch

i should fire your ass fa that shit

what lil ole me. you wove me too much to fire me bestie and I'm your favorite assistant. You would literally never do that to me.

what ever just get to my house by 2am so we can be at the runway by 3am

yea yea yea nigga imma be there. Where you finna leave my god daughter fa this time hoe

she finna be a stretcha or my dukes

ohhh tell moms i miss her

nah cuz my you never say yo miss me and I'm yo so called bestie

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