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As soon as we walked to the door it flew open and a little body ran into my leg making me look down and touch their back

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As soon as we walked to the door it flew open and a little body ran into my leg making me look down and touch their back.

"Sun let them come in the house" a girl that looked older than 15 said holding a baby on her hip. Me and Dooda laughed and he wiped the tears that continued to pour down my face

"Okay Ledge." Nami said pulling me into the living room I believe. I sat down on the two-seater and Nami sat in my lap and Dooda sat next to me

"How rude of me. My name is Knowledge and this is my daughter Trrue." Knowledge said putting True on the floor mat.

"Hello I'm--" I was cut off

"My mom" Nami yelled hugging me by the neck making Knowledge laugh. I pulled him back to get a good look at him. He looks just like me but male and his eyes were a light brown

"Mom" Nami said bring me from my thoughts

"Yu got games on yo phone" he asked we just laughed

"No but you can pick which game you want from the app store." I said as he nods his head. I pull my phone out my bag and hand it to him after I opened it. He picked Subway surfers. Knowledge, Dooda and I talked about her and other things. But what I noticed was when I asked about her parent there was a hint of disdain in her eyes. Soon there was a knock on the door I had seen the police flashing lights. Knowledge went to open the door

"Is this the Cooper residence?" a male voice asked

"Yes" Knowledge answered

"Is there an adult in the house with you." the male voice asked

"Ummmm. I live here what seems to be the issue officer" she asked

"May I come in" He said I hear the door close and soon both Knowledge and the officer walked into the living room.

"My name is Officer Oliver. I'm sorry for your loss Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have died in an accident." Officer Oliver said. I looked at Knowledge and there was a slight relief in her eyes

"CPS should be arriving soon to take you into custody" he said

"Umm Officer if I talk to the CPS person could I take the kids." I asked

"Not sure we have to wait until the representative has arrived. Do you have a relationship with the Coopers?" he questioned

"No but my son was under their care and I am willing to take Knowledge and True under my care." I said as his radio went off

"The representative is here I am going to bring her inside" he said getting up

"OMG Dooda I didn't ask you if I could bring them in-" I was cut off

"Pug it's fine I have plenty of rooms for them." He said rubbing the back of my hand.

"I'm staying with you" Nami beamed

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