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"Maisyn are yu gonna pick me up from campus tomar or Imma gonna take my car and meet yu at my house"I asked as I brushed Nami's hair

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"Maisyn are yu gonna pick me up from campus tomar or Imma gonna take my car and meet yu at my house"I asked as I brushed Nami's hair

"Dad yu coming home?" He asked looking up

"Yes I'm coming tomar morning while yu in school then leaving tomar night bud."Maisyn spoke looking away from the tv as he played the game

"No dad don't leave me" Nami started to whine

"Bud I'm not gonna leave yu. Actually I gonna pick yu up early from school and we will get ice cream and pick mom up from school how does that sound." Maisyn said trying to reason with Nami

" And a new dino toy?" Nami asked hopefully

"If yu are good tomar I'll get yu a new dino toy."Maisyn aid picking up his phone and walking out his game/ movie room

"Who yu talking to coach?" Sota asked

"My wife mind yurs lil nigga"Maisyn said nugding Sota's head

"Hey Mo"Sota said after he grabbed the phone from Maisyn smiling in the camera

"Hey So! How is school and work going."I asks twisting Nami's hair

"School is good as always and work is good my boss is sometimes a butt head" Sota said trying not the laugh

"Nigga give me my phone. I should put yu ass off the team."Maisyn said mugging Sota after he snatched his phone back

"Yu love me too much coach"Sota said hugging Maisyn

"Nigga get the fuck frm me"

"Momma Dinosaur Train now."Nami demands

"Boy who do yu think yu talking to. Yu better fix that nie fa yu get no ice cream."Maisyn spoke hursh tone to Nami

"Sorry Momma but please"Nami said with tears in his eyes

"Go get the mote control and ill put it on."He nods his head and wipes his eyes

"Yu made him cry."I pouted

"I baby him yes but we will not be having disrespectful kids in our household."Maisyn said as he brushes his hair. Nami came back with the mote and I put on Dinosaur train

"Bud Dad sorry but yu cannot talk to yo moms like that okay."Maisyn said in softer tone than before

"I'm sorry Dad" Nami said looking into the camera

"Its fine just don't do it again. I would hate to have to beat yu."Maisyn spkoe while Nami just nods and begins to watch Dinosaur train.

"And Pug see if yu can get Dylan to take yu to campus and I'll just pick yu up like to told Nami. And if not I can Stretch to drop me off and we pick Nami up together." Maisyn

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