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"Bestie we finally touched down in yo city" Bop said into the phone

"Bop stop yelling" Nami mumbled as he put his head back on Mook's chest

"Boy yu grown get, yo ass off my momma"Bop said mugging him

"Leave me lone Bop" Nami whined

"Dad" Nami said reaching for Kohoe. Making both Mook and Kohoe stop so Kohoe can get Nami.

"When we get y'all settled at home then we can go to walmart or sum and get some stuff."Kohoe said as he opened the trunk door

"Son yu gotta get down so i can put the bags in the car" He said

"Nooo"Nami whined grabbing Kohoe tighter

"If yu get down nie. I promise that when we get home we can take a quick nap befo going out again." Kohoe tried to reason with the young boy

"Fine" Nami sighed in defeat getting down but clinging to Kohoe's leg

"Why my damn son love yu more then he loves me."Mook complained

"Yu mean our son dummy"Kohoe said as he took the last bag from Mook. The Bop and the rest of them are already in the car. Kohoe opened the door for Mook to enter and then he situated Nami in his booster seat. After a 40 min drive they finally made it to Kohoe's house.

"I'll show Bop to her room after I bring all the bags intake house."Kohoe spoke as he parked the car. He got out the car and opened the door for the kids to get out and then opened the door for Mook. Going to grab the bags but not befo handing TK the keys.

"Booski lemme help with the bags" Mook states as she looks at the 2 medium and 2 small suit cases

"Nah I got it Pug." He smiled kissing her

"But I want to help" she said grabbing the last two bags not in his hand

"Look nie yu don't have to go back outside to grab these bags." Mook said smartly walking in front of Kohoe

"Ole fine annoying self"Kohoe spoke loudly

" Awww thanks I think yu fine too." she said

"Y'all let's go upstairs we can leave for Walmart at 8" Kohoe said as he locked the door then grabbing the bags again walking upstairs behind everyone

"Nami yu gonna sleep with me the whole time or yu want yo own room again?"Kohoe asked putting TK's bag in her room

"You" Nami said walking next to Kohoe

"Well then Bop yu can stay in this room. My room is right here and yo momma's room is right across from yours. If yu need anything just yell" Kohoe said placing Bop's at in her room.

"Good looks Father" Bop said

"No problem daughter" Kohoe smiled kissing her forehead as she hugged him

"Come on son" He said

"Nu uhh... Nigga where my damn kiss at?"Mook asked mugging Kohoe as her held Nami

"Ian forget yu my love" Kohoe said walking to give Mook as kiss after he put Nami down to walk into his room leaving Kohoe and Mook 8n the hallway . This kiss started to get lil heated so Mook pulled back with Kohoe's hand on her neck.

"Maisyn why would yu do that" Mook whined feeling horny

"Dad come on" Nami said now dressed in his pjs

"I gotta go Pug" Kohoe said walking to his room


"Papa toy?"Trrue yelled trying to pull his leg to move

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