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"Hey Dylan can you help me with the formal charge shit in orgo please" Anovah said

"Yeah sure my friend Idama and I are gonna study in the library later, I can ask her if she's cool with it." Dylan said grabbing his phone

"Mookster I was wonder if my friend Nova--"Idama cut him off

"We have new friends nie" She said walking out her english class

"Yeah, she need help with orgo shit and I was finna help her. I trynna see if it was okay if she comes with us to library room to study." He asks mugging her

"Yeah, that's fine just walking to the library nie." She said

"Mook said she's cool with yu coming with us. Come on Nova" Dylan said  walking

"Yo mook how yu doing today" Some nigga said

"Yo watch yoself that Stretcha's lil sister." His friend said

"Not even that I'm crazy don't play with me nigga"Mook said to the dude

"We'll see yu in the group room 12" Dylan said


"Tsunami can you please sit down we are doing group work. I need you to sit for me." Mrs. Deep said to the young boy

"No" the boy said crossing his arms pushing the chair away from him

"Do you want me to get your sister?" Mrs.Deep asked

"No I want my dad." He whined dropping to the floor.

"Mr.Seven can you go to Mr.Genei's room and get Cree for me."Mrs.Deep sighed looking at the boy.

"That's fine."He said getting up.

"Tsunami do you want me to call your momma"She asked sitting on the floor with him

"The rest of you kids listen to Mrs.Way in music class today. I heard that he has treats for everyone in class today."The kids cheers for the sweet treats

"Who is the line leader today" Mr.Way asked the kids

"Amber is"The kids yelled in short ripples of noise

"Next time you guys use your.."He spoke wanting the kids to continue. Amber raised her hand

"Yes Amber." Mr.Way said

"Inside voice" She said softly

"Yes. Let's get in line so we can get going" Mr. Way said

"Nami what's wrong" Cree walked in the room

"I want dad to come back" He whined

"Yu know he is back at home working!"Cree sighs tired of doing this every week

"You want me to call him?"Cree asked the boy who had tears streaming down his face. He just nods

"Hello Bop wassup" Kohoe answers after the first ring

"Hey dad" she sighs

"Nami again" He asks

"Yeah" she said handing the phone to Nami

"Bud yu cannot keep doing this at school yu have to big a big boy and big boys don't cry at school." Kohoe said trying to calm Nami

"But I want you to come back now"

"I'll talk to yo momma bout that but I need yu to listen to Mrs.Deep and be good bud" Kohoe said getting ready for his meeting

"Nooo come get me" Nami whined

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