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12 year old Idama wakes up to pain between her legs and tearstreaked face and hands still tried to the bed. Last night her brother come to her room and had his way with her like he has every night since she turned twelve. What does a grown 20-year-old man want with a girl like her she always thought. She sits up looking at herself in the mirror remembering last night

The night was like every other she had just finished cleaning the house because she knew that if she didn't she would have been beaten and assaulted by her father. The men that were to protect her are the ones hurting her.  she went to her room to take a shower why because she knew that her brother was not home or so she thought.  She walked out her walking closet and went into her own personal bathroom. Her family was so how rich but her parents some who never go to work only live the house to go on vacations. And when they would go they would leave Idama with her very perverted brother.

She makes it out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her and as she walks out she is frightened by her brother who is just laying on her bed with his clothes off.  She just stood there wanting to die. why because she knew if she ran to the bathroom he would break the door down. He did the first time and he told their parents that Idama was trying to kill herself in the bathroom.

"Come on i don't have all day dama get in this damn bed before i make you"  Vonkay said in a harsh tone mugging her. She just nodded her head slowly walking towards him and as she got close enough he punched her in the chest

"I told you to hustle and get here and you walked slowly. You luck I'm in a good mood today. Now take that shit off. So i can see yo lil sexy ass" he said with lust in his eyes as he yanks her towel off her body. And stands up and he had his way. 

"Make all the noise you want they not gonna care love so save your self the energy and keep quiet." he said as tears ran down the side of Idama face as she was laying on the bed.

She shakes her head to try to forget about it and get ready for school. Got dress in her private school uniform and hopped in the backseat of her car which was the latest BMW as her driver takes her to school. Which was a gift from ha father to apologize for beating her last week.

"Hey Idama " some girl said in the hallway to her as she smiled back. It was always like that everyone in the school always saying hi to her and she would just smile. 

"Hello Miss.Ocean how was your weekend" Mr.Stud my English teacher asked 

"It was good. How is Mrs. Stud and little May" She responded

"They are doing good. i was wondering if you could baby sit again for me today?" he asked as the bell rung and student began to pour into class.

"Of course i would i do miss lil may and koola" she smiled so after she walked to her seat.

"Bestie da"the boy next to her said looking that her causing her to laugh. He is always calling her bestie but she don't hang out with him or his friends

"wassup" she said smiling

"you wanna go to the park after school today and chill no funny business." he said smiling 

"i have to babysit Mr.Stud daughter but i can see if i can bring her to the park and ill tell you." she said giving him her phone

"oh if i knew that would have gotten your number earlier" he said handing her back her phone 

"hollon what's your name" she said looking at him

"bestie da this whole time i knew your name and you don't know my name. I am really hurt" he said with a goofy smile on his face.

"you can call me Bones" he smiled

"why did you save your name as big daddy b in my phone nigga" she laughed 

"cuz that's who i am" he said as she shook her head at him

"okay now shut up to i can learn" she said looking forward

"shut don't go up dummy" he said pulling his phone out.

Time skip to End of the day

"Batrell how was your day" she said to her driver

"My day was good how was yours miss.ocean" he asked

"it was good. can you take me to the stud residence" she asked he just nodded his head. she pulled out her phone to call her mother

"mom i going to baby sit may today i will back by 10pm today" she said into the phone

"alright just be careful and don't do nun dumb girl" her mom said before hanging up

"May" Idama yelled  walking up the stair 

"Idama i missed you so much" May yelled running to idama

"how much you miss me " Idama asked May

"This much" May said holding her arms as far as they can go.

"Mrs.Stud you look so beautiful" she smiled

"Thank you Will is already outside. You how to contact if needed but there probably be no need"Mrs.Stud said walking out the door

After May's parents left Idama took May to the park and met with Bones. After that day they became inseparable always together. About 7 months later Bones found out about Idama and her brother's relationship and he had his cousin beat Vonkay up and not even a week later. Somehow Egypt aka Bones was shot because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time but she doesn't believe that because he was walking to my house. Because she called him crying tell him that she was pregnant with her brother's baby. That same day Vonkay came to her room and beat herfor getting pregnant and then beat her for losing the baby.  After that, she stopped talking she rather text my parent believe that it was because she had finally processed the death of her best friend a week later but it was because of their son.

Every day at 7 pm Idama walks to the park where she and Egypt hung out all the time. one day while sitting on the swings she met a boy named Menace. He always tries to get her to talk since they met which was about 6 months ago. Now Idama is 13 years old. She doesn't want what happened to Egypt to happen again. Even though she hopes for that she feels so comfortable with him. They didn't go to the same school so the only time they met was at the park.

"aye mute" she looks up from her phone at him

"follow me" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her into the forest area. with her one free hand she texted his phone which was in his hand

"If you wanted to kill me you should have done is 6 months ago nigga" he read the text out loud. he just laughed as if i was a joke

"I'm not gonna kill you mute i just wanna show you sum hollon we almost there" as he said that she heard a waterfall and not even 15 sec later she come face to face with the most beautiful waterfall she have even seen

"its so beautiful" she said causing him to grasp

"you can talk" he said fake surpised look at me as he hugged me. I just smiled

Ever since then they started to meet there after school then  two months later her brother is still doing what he doing and now they on summer break. Idama is now found out that she is now pregnant again by her brother no surprise she goes to her and Menace spot and waits for him and he never shows. She went back every day for 2 weeks looking for him and he never came or even texted. 


Wassup dummies.

So ian know what to write so this is what i have. Should i do a lil mini chapter continuing the missing part or should i continue wit the current times of ha life? Cuz I'm wit whateva fr just lmk.

signing out bitches

-mwah slimdabrat 

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