THREE; Fondness

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"Hey." Junkyu greets Sihmin only to get no response from her.

"Hey, hi." He greets Sihmin again but the latter ignores him completely.

"Mina. Hi." Junkyu repeats himself third time a bit embarrassed now while Doyoung and Junghwan try to control their laughter. Sihmin keeps on writing something in her notebook. Junkyu snatches the notebook from her.

"Junkyu! What's your problem? Don't you have a class to take or something?" Sihmin yells annoyed while trying to take her notebook back.

"My problem is that I want to talk to you and-" Sihmin cuts his sentence.

"Save it. I don't have time to listen to you. Ms Bae gonna arrive any minute now. Go back." Junkyu sighs.

"Only on one condition, you'll have to meet me at the rooftop during the break. I'll wait for you. Take care." He ruffles Sihmin's hair and runs out of the classroom. Sihmin smiles after shaking her head at the boy's tactics. Guess she couldn't stay mad at him for long.

"And cut. Wow, what a scene that was. Applause." Someone remarks followed by loud claps. Sihmin turns around to see Haruto sitting on the last bench with his feet on the table infront of him.

"Jeongwoo bring me popcorns. There's a very cringey movie playing." Haruto announces in a loud voice purposely.

"Oh my koala bear I like you." Jeongwoo squeals in a girly voice and makes pouty lips towards Asahi to mock Sihmin while Asahi pushes him back to his seat after cursing at him. Sihmin clenches her jaw in anger.

"Ignore those losers Sihmin." Doyoung whispers to Sihmin after glancing at them.

"Yeah, as if they could get any better." Junghwan adds from behind Doyoung. Sihmin nods and turns back only to be greeted by her "favorite" person.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The down-market Suns." Nori tries to act amused. Sihmin stands up while slamming her hands on the table.

"Why are you being nosy Nori? Don't you have anything else to do?" Sihmin asks while gritting her teeth.

"Oh believe me I have. Infact, now a days I'm quite busy. Actually I'm planning a surprise for you and you're gonna love it." Nori whispers the last sentence so only Sihmin could hear which causes Sihmin to frown.

She wanted to say something but right then Ms Bae enters the room. Students make their way back to their respective seats. Sihmin sighs and thinks about Nori's words but at the end decides to just brush them off.


Sihmin rushes out of the classroom and makes her way towards the rooftop. To say she was impatient to meet Junkyu will be an understatement.

Although the girl just met Junkyu in the morning yet she was excited to meet him again. She also didn't know why she was feeling giddy. Guess because she was going to spend some healing time with him after all the hassle.

Sihmin turns around the corner of the hallway but turns back immediately after seeing Mashiho and Asahi coming her way. It's not that she was scared, she just didn't want to ruin her mood by interacting with them. She leans on the wall and pretends to play with her mobile phone so her presence goes unnoticed.

"Now I'm damn sure Haruto likes her." Mashiho squeals while Sihmin frowns upon hearing this piece of information.

"I don't think Haruto could like anyone beside her anyways." Asahi replies in a calm manner.

"They should just date already. Just imagine Moon Nori and Watanabe Haruto, one of the hottest couples of Treasure Institute of Arts & Humanities. It'll be so cool." Mashiho voices out in a dramatic tone which causes Sihmin's jaw to drop. Watanabe Haruto likes Moon Nori. Sihmin scoffs at the audacity of Haruto.

"Who have the cringey story now Mr Watanabe?" Sihmin thinks in her head and makes her way to the rooftop with a smirk plastered on her face. She couldn't wait to announce it to the rest of the Suns and make fun of Haruto and Nori.

"Kyuuu~" She sings as soon as she enters the rooftop while Junkyu comes towards her with an amusing smile.

"Why so happy Mina?" Junkyu asks but Sihmin hugs him without replying. Junkyu hugs back and pats her back. The gesture alone was enough to make Sihmin's day.

"I'm glad you aren't upset with me. I'm sorry for being a jerk yesterday." Junkyu pulls out of the hug and scratches his nape.

"It's okay. You can just make it up for it later. For now I have a very spicy gossip for you." Sihmin smirks while Junkyu gets impatient. He also wanted to know the reason behind his best friend's sudden mood lift.

"That scumbag Watanabe likes M-" Junkyu's ringtone cuts Sihmin's sentence while she sulks. Junkyu apologizes and goes a little far to attend the call. He comes back after a minute or two.

"Why did y-" Sihmin gets interrupted again but this time by Junkyu himself. He place his hands on Sihmin's shoulders.

"As much as I would like to listen Watanabe's story, I can't. I've an emergency. I'll call you later. Sorry. Take care." Junkyu blabbers quickly and sprints out of the rooftop after ruffling Sihmin's hair. The girl pouts and makes her way to the cafeteria to fill her empty stomach after shrugging all the thoughts off.

The Moons

"Yah! Where's my money?" Nori growls with a raised eyebrow while Jihoon shakes the weak boy by his collar. The poor boy just keeps on trembling. Nori massages her temples in stress.

"Let me handle it." Yoshi comes forward and starts bullying him. Nori stands behind and watches the scene with a satisfied smirk. It was good that there weren't any students present in the backyard. It made their bullying session easier.

"Nori." Someone shouts. Nori looks beside to see Haruto waving his hands from afar. She smiles and goes towards him.

"I was looking for you." Haruto states while panting which showed his obvious exertion.

"I was just having some fun you know." Nori shrugs giving a smug look while Haruto smirks back after seeing the state of the boy behind.

"I see. Are you free after this? Should we ditch the next classes together? It's been so long since we hung out alone." Haruto questions with hopes high. Nori grins but soon her expression changes into a disappointed one followed by a lip bite.

Haruto already knew that Nori was going to turn his offer down judging by her expressions but he wasn't much upset. Seeing her worried like this for him was enough. She was looking absolutely adorable to Haruto.

"As much as I would love to hangout, I can't. I have plans with other girl friends after recess. Sorry." She answers.

"It's okay Nori." Haruto chuckles seeing Nori pout.

"I'll make it up to you later. I swear." Nori promises which causes Haruto to shake his head.

"Lets just go Nori-ah." Haruto holds Nori's hand and joins others in the bullying session.

Although Nori didn't agree to hangout with Haruto, these little moments with her were enough for Haruto. He absolutely liked the idea of having her by his side.


Love interests are being obvious now😏 Aren't they? Don't forget to vote precious readers💜 And comment what are your thoughts on this chapter✨

Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Haechan from NCT. Quite a talented guy he is 🤩🤩

 Quite a talented guy he is 🤩🤩

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