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"I'm back." Nori announces as soon as she enters her humble abode and rushes towards the living room.

"I knew I would find you here." Nori tackles her elder sister who was sitting on the couch, watching tv. The pair of siblings erupts in giggles.

"How was your day, lil bean?" Byulyi ruffles her sister's hair, offering her snacks.

"It was okay to begin with but my friends made it better like always." Nori shrugs munching on the chips.

"Your friends or someone special named Kim Junkyu?" Byulyi wriggles her eyebrows causing Nori to fake gag.

"Unnie! Don't you dare tease me. Instead tell me, did you talk to mom and dad?" Nori tries to change the topic of the conversation but regrets it the moment Byulyi's mood turns serious.

"Yeah, I did call them. They won't be coming. Again." Nori face crumples upon hearing about their parents not coming back from Japan.

Byulyi keeps looking down, fed up of asking their parents to comeback on every break. It has been 3 years since both of them met their parents and to say that the girls missed their presence would be an understatement.

"Should I talk to Haruto-" "No, did you befriend him to ask him for favors?" Byulyi asks grumpily. She was already feeling salty because of their parents and now Nori was suggesting dumb ideas. Nori pouts and shakes her head.

"You don't have to worry. Just focus on your studies for now." Byulyi leaves the living room, troubled by family problems once again.

Nori loved her elder sister but one thing she didn't like about Byulyi was her habit of shutting herself off from the world instead of sharing her burdens.

She already felt guilty enough for the sacrifices her unnie had to make to help their parents. Nori just wanted Byulyi to let herself loose sometimes.

Hearing her notification tone, Nori snaps back to reality.

I'm in your room, baby. Where you at?

Nori's mouth hangs open and she dashes upstairs, to her room. As soon as she opens the door, someone pulls her in and slams the door shut. Pinning the stunned girl on the door, Junkyu stares back at her, looking equally surprised.

"It could have been my unnie who you pulled inside. But still you succeeded in astonishing me, Kim Junkyu." Nori pants.

"I've never climbed over someone's balcony before." Junkyu whispers.

"Someone's never climbed my balcony before." Nori bites her lower lips and soon both of them erupt into laughter.

Nori wraps her arms around his neck and clings to him like a koala. Junkyu holds her by the waist and carries her to her bed in the same position.

"Someone missed me already." Junkyu teases Nori.

"It's hard to stay away from you." Nori pouts and hugs him once again.

"You know, you can move in with me anytime." Junkyu caresses her hair.

"And leave my sister alone? No, thank you Mister." Nori pinches Junkyu's side causing the boy to shriek.

"I'm contented with what I've right now. Never want this to end." She sighs heavily after adding to her words, melting in Junkyu's embrace.

Despite having troubles from time to time, Nori always considered herself fortunate because of the love she was showered upon by her family and friends. From bullying juniors to ditching classes with the Moons, she always had her fair share of fun. Having Junkyu by her side was the icing on the cake for her.

Nori's phone buzzes signaling the arrival of a new message. The couple ignores it and keeps on cuddling oblivious to the chaos it was gonna bring for them.

How long are you going to be fool him? Just break it off already.

A Week Later

"Why were the questions so difficult?" Junkyu complains as soon as he spots Hyunsuk and Jaehyuk exiting the examination hall.

"Should've studied a little instead of going on dates with Nori." Jaehyuk sneers at Junkyu, rubbing salt to his wounds as they make their way outside.

"History's a tough subject. It has nothing to do with my love life." Junkyu retorts while the eldest one rolls his eyes at his friends' antics.

"Jaehyuk's just being jealous, Kyu. You should go and find Nori instead?" Jaehyuk passes a distasteful expression upon hearing Hyunsuk.

Junkyu nods and puts on some speed to find his girlfriend resulting in him to bump into a familiar taller figure on his way.

"Watch wher- Watanabe!" Junkyu begins to interrogate Haruto about Nori whereabouts while the latter just stares back at him in disbelief.

"Stop being so clingy to her all the time. It makes you look like a creep." Haruto's single sentence makes Junkyu stop rambling.

"Taking care of your girlfriend doesn't make you a clingy person, Watanabe. It's a way to show affection. Besides as if you don't take care of Sihmin, huh! I've seen the way you've your eyes on her all the time." Haruto frowns, unable to comeback with a response.

"Let's just pick up your girlfriend first then we can find Nori." Junkyu begins to drag him to the law department.

What Junkyu assessed about him was still baffling Haruto. He always tried to stick by his typical cold guy's image and cared for no one but Nori. Then how did Sihmin come in the frame? For Haruto, she was just someone who knew well how to get on his nerves.

So was it their convincing play act that made Junkyu say this or was his sentiments really changing because of Sihmin?

Upon turning the hallway, Junkyu halts causing the younger one to bump into his side and snap out of his thoughts.

"Geez, learn how to wal-" Junkyu's gasp stops Haruto mid sentence. Following his gaze, Haruto couldn't help but to clench his fists when his eyes land on the commotion happening at the end of the hallway.

Nori was slumped down on the floor with a hand pressed on her left cheek while a girl was standing with her right hand raised in the air. Despite her back being turned towards the boys, it didn't take both of them more than five seconds to recognize her.

Lee Sihmin?


Thanks for reading, precious readers💜

Happy Eid to all the Muslims around the globe✨

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