TWENTY FOUR; Toing And Froing

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Getting off her car, Sihmin makes her way to Junkyu's porch and knocks on the front door.

"Hi-oh Hun!" To her surprise, Seunghun opens the door.

"Hey bubs! You don't look happy to see me." He pouts, teasing her as she follows him inside.

"You know it's not like that. I just didn't expect to see you here." She rolls her eyes at him and gets seated on the couch.

"I live up to my title; man of surprises." Seunghun shrugs, playfully.

"If you're wondering where's Kyu? He's gonna take a few minutes more. Till then I'm here to accompany you." He adds while sitting beside her on the arm of the couch.

"Why don't you accompany us to the mall as well?" She suggests.

Although, she wanted to spend some time alone with Junkyu, Seunghun was equally precious to her. And who wouldn't like catching up with a good old friend.

"I'd have loved to. But I'm busy. This friend of yours is stressed these days, Mina." Seunghun sighs and falls next to her on the couch.

"Stressed with?" Sihmin narrows her eyes at him.

"Business issues, parents issues, love life issues." He answers, sparking Sihmin's interest.

Being born in elite families, they always had their fair share of career, parents, social issues but Sihmin never heard Seunghun mention something about his love life cause he didn't have one to begin with.

"Love life, really?" She raises a brow with a smirk after thanking the maid who brought drinks for them.

"A little confused about it but I'm glad that you and Junkyu aren't." His response puzzles Sihmin causing her to frown.

"Duh! You and Junkyu have got Nori and Haruto for yourselves. I won't have to worry about my single pringle cousin and friend anymore. Besides, both of them are nice." Seunghun looks at the ceiling in the same dreamy way, Seeun looked at it while talking about Haruto.

"And how do you know that?" Bewildered, she questions to know what made Seunghun not doubt their act.

"I'm an alumni of TIAH. Of course, I know them. In addition to that, I've met Haruto at a few business gatherings. The boy is a sincere one. You've my blessings. Go and get married." He takes a sip of his juice while patting Sihmin's head.

"We're only dating for God's sake. Where did marriage come from?" The girl chokes on her drink then voices out.

"Who's getting married?" At the very moment, Junkyu enters the living room.

"Maybe me?" Seunghun raises his hand with a grin.

"Hey Mina!" Junkyu greets Sihmin who greets him back in return.

"Let's catch up on the way otherwise this chatterbox will eat our brains." Junkyu jokes and pulls her out of the living room.

"I'm your hyung, you brat." Seunghun screams from behind them.

"Blah, blah, blah. Bye." He responds in a loud voice to give Seunghun a taste of his own medicine.


"Today, I feel really thankful to have a girl best friend. Otherwise I wouldn't have known what to get for Nori's birthday." Sihmin passes Junkyu an awkward smile, feeling disappointed about the fact that he only wanted to get her opinion for buying his girlfriend's gift.

"Do you think we've got the right thing?" She asks, still unsure of her choice as they get out of the jewellery store.

"Oh, she's absolutely gonna love this. She's so into jewels. Initially, I wanted to give her a ring but didn't want to scare her so this locket would do for now." Junkyu replies, wide eyed.

"A ring? You want to ma-marry her or something." Sihmin gulps down her own saliva.

"Of course, I do. I'm in my senior year, will have to get settled down eventually. I don't want to sound delusional by saying this but I can imagine myself beside Nori in the future. She completes me, Mina." He grins at her, exhilarated to share what he felt with his best friend.

Sihmin's shoulders sag down in sorrow. It hurt at the same time stunned her to see how much Junkyu was crazy for Nori.

"Now that we're at it, you should get something for Haruto as well." Junkyu adds, snapping her our of her zone.

"Why?" She questions, puzzled once again.

"Your boyfriend's birthday coming before Nori's, dummy. Did you forget?" She shakes her head in reply, not wanting to embarrass herself.

"Let's eat something first then we'll get a gift for Haruto." Junkyu drags her to the food court to sate their hunger.

"Seeing the Suns and Moons mingled really makes me happy. Credit goes to you and Nori." Junkyu admits after taking a sip of his drink.

"Mee oand Noli?" Sihmin babbles with food still in her mouth.

"Yes, you and Nori. Both of you decided to give a chance to the other group. We, boys didn't have anything personal against Moons. Same goes for them I guess. We just did what you and Nori wanted because you're important to us and I'm certain Nori's important to Moons as well. I'm relieved it's all sorted out now." He vocalizes and continues to eat, leaving Sihmin chewing over her mission.


"No, no, no! Lee Sihmin don't even think about backing out. Didn't you want Junkyu to yourself? Isn't Nori your enemy? Huh!" Pulling her hair in frustration, Sihmin slumps down on her bed.

What does everyone see in Haruto? Do they really make an admirable couple? First Seeun then Seunghun then Junkyu as if nature's giving her signals that Haruto's the one for her. Was he really? These question marks were roaming around in Sihmin's mind.

"They aren't signs, I'm just being delulu. No more signs." She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes to get herself together.

Not even a minute passes by, her phone begins to ring. Her breath hitches, once her eyes land on the caller id. Sighing in exertion, she picks up the call.

"Why did you call, Haruto?" She groans.

"Woah! Woah! Too much resentment. Can't I call you without a reason, darling?" His endearment freezes her momentarily and instead of answering him, she begins to tear up.

"Not you too, Haruto." She sniffs and to her dismay, Haruto ends up hearing it. Her sniffles surprise him and his heart clenches, never in his wildest dream he would have imagined her crying.

"Are you cryi- Are you okay, Sihmin?" He asks as softly as possibly.

"I'm just tired. I'll talk to you later." She hangs up the call, leaving him worried.

Both of them spend their night anxiously, not liking what they were feeling.


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