Meeting my Luna

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* pic above Alpha Damon and how I picture him.

Damon's POV

I hate going to other Alpha territories, especially Harvest Moon pack. He keeps trying to get me to mate his daughter. Everyone thinks I am without a mate, or I killed her. No, I have never found my Mate I just gave up, but I will not allow some selfish brat into my home or bed. I have never slept with any she-wolf my wolf is a strong-minded wolf and he would kill them after. I do not need a woman, but I would love to have a mate. Someone who is my equal not scared of me, but someone who understands me. The only person who knows this is my Beta Drake.

"So, Damon you ready to head there. I bet that Shelly girl is just waiting for you to arrive." Drake gave me a smirk. "I lowly growl at his remark. "Drake if you were not my best friend, I would murder you." "Hey man, I am just saying she's finally eighteen maybe she is your mate. I will find mine," he says oh so confidently. "Bro if you jinx me, I will make your life hell my wolf doesn't even like the sound of her voice. But hopefully, you do find your mate Drake I know you would be happier with her by your side.

I just hate that Alpha, I may be strict and ruthless, but I would never treat my people that way. That's why all those rumors are from everyone other than my pack." I huff at the thought of what he does to his pack. I cannot step in unless he challenges me or hurts someone in my pack. "Come on Damon let's head out." so we hop in the Black SVU and head two hours south. The drive is not too bad, scenery either. I like going this way beautiful land our goddesses knew what they were doing when they created us all. I hope if I do find my mate she is as beautiful inside as out, smart, caring, selfless. I have been called ruthless, hardheaded, but only when I am challenged, and my pack is in danger. I do get lonely sometimes even though I will not admit it to anyone.

After two hours the sun is setting, and we have finally arrived I go to open my door when the most ravishing smell invades my senses, honey, and fresh roses. 'Delightful.' Says Assassin my wolf. 'Oh, no Assassin what if it's Shelly.' I said with worry in my voice. 'Oh, hell no we are one of kind wolf Damon we will deal with being Matless I will not listen to her voice every morning no no.' His voices laced with disgust. Drake turns and looks at me with suspension. My third in command my Delta Charlie was staring at me through the mirror. "You ok Damon?" He asked puzzled.

"Nope turn around we will tell them we are lost," I said with slight fear my mate is Shelly. "Oh shit, you caught her scent your mate is here," Drake said laughing. "Dude I swear I will punch you I do not care right now," I said rubbing my temples. I knew if she were, I would never hear the end of it. "How about I go in explain we have been called to an emergency and head out." Drake offered. I nodded in response, and he headed out. I watched as he reached the door speaking to the Alpha, he was not taking us leaving too kindly. When I heard glass break and screaming, I could tell was Shelly my goddess her voice is annoying. The Alpha charged in the house screaming I saw Drake's nose reach the air. He must have his mate's scent I nodded to him giving him permission to find her.

Not too long after I hear shouting coming from behind pack house a woman's voice so angelic "I will take her punishment." Wow, guts she is trading places to receive punishment why? That is when Drake entered the mind link barely understandable. "Damon, I found her my mate the Alpha was going to beat her, but her friend went in her place if they would allow her to come to me. They sentenced her to one hundred whips." I knew he wanted me to help her for the sake of his mate.

I got out of the car and ran to where they were the sight gruesome. That is when her scent got stronger, I looked directly at Shelly her eyes met mine it was not her. Silently thanking the goddess. Her scent stronger people started moving aside making a path for me. Her scent now mixed with blood. Oh no my mate she is being whipped like a slave. Assassin is stirring clawing to tear their throat out. My body shook with rage trying to remind Assassin of the law. I could not stand the sight that was before me. "ENOUGH." I ROARED through the crowd everyone stood silent I let Assassin speak he needed to defend our mate as did I.

Alpha Jack stopped in his tracks and Shelly ran to me. "No baby she's just an omega she deserves this and more." She hung on my arm. Assassin growled, "if you touch us again, I'll snap your scrawny neck." She jumped back realizing we meant every word. "She may be an omega, but she is my omega if anyone touches my mate and my packs Luna again, I'll tear you all apart."

At this time, my delta and my Beta are at my side. Drake's mate is in tears looking at my mate. I go to her and have Drake and Charlie undo her chains. As she fell, she was holding on by a thread. I heard her whisper Mate as she blacked out. "Geta doctor now," I growled at them all. "Who are you to order my pack." Alpha Jack spewed. "If you do not get a doctor, I promise I will challenge you and don't think you can beat me." I bared my teeth and claws in his direction.

Soon the doctor arrived. He grabbed his daughter and went into their home leaving his mate lying in the dirt crying I thought that was strange but not my problem I need to make sure my mate is OK. Charlie, Drake, and his mate walked up to me as my mate is carried away. Drake introduced his mate, "Damon this is my mate Karlee, Karlee this is my Alpha and best friend Damon Jordan." She jumped up and hugged me I was stunned but accepted. "Thank you, Alpha Damon, for saving her my best friend. If you would not have, I can't imagine what else would have happened." She sniffles and Drake grabs her shoulders to calm her. "What is going on in this pack?" I said in confusion. She began getting angry. "If I could tell you I would but it's not my place I am sorry. But if I ever get my hands on that bitch Shelly, I will strangle the life out of her I swear to the goddess." She was a ball of fire Drake will have his hands full.

"I hope Ry is okay can we go check on her now." I agreed my wolf needed her. "Wait Ry is her name." "No Alpha." I threw my hand to protest "Please call me Damon." She smiled "Ok Damon her name is Aryah." We turned to walk to her. 'Aryah, I like it, Damon.' He purred her name. 'So beautiful I can't wait to take her from this place.' 'I know Damon so we can protect her and love her I wonder what her wolf's name is? I wonder if she will like me?' He began ranting. 'Assassin bud calm down one it is us not just you and she will I hope.' I just needed to help her and if anyone else came near her I would make them pay with their life. 

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