Surprise From The Past

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Pic above is some one you will meet soon named Jax. How I picture him...........

Damon's POV

I was in my office finishing up paperwork when the door bust opened.

"Damon, Damon its Aryah somethings wrong."

"What do you mean something is wrong Karlee?"

"She wanted to go to your guy's spot. She called it that and wanted to clear her head and go through some things and she mindlinked me she needs help". Her voice pleading and holding worry.

I mind linked my Beta and Delta alongside some warriors. "Meet me at the waterfall your Luna is in danger".

I took off after her. Running like my life depended on it. When I arrived a warrior was already standing there. I walked to where he was and I saw it. A couple drops of blood they were my Aryah's and drag marks someone has taken her but why? Who would do this?

"Alpha we found this note on a nearby tree." One of the warriors spoke out and I grabbed the note and what I read broke my heart.

"Hey Alpha we got your little mate. She is a pretty little thing isn't she. The past is coming back to bite you in the ass and I will be the one to destroy you. Have fun looking for us, we will be having fun of our own."

I growled one of the most threatening growls anyone has ever heard and began throwing punches hitting trees rocks it did not matter. We were in pain, we held rage. How can someone threaten our mate? Why, who is this person?

I sent the guards to search for any sign, scent, trail, anything for my Mate. Assassin needed to run, he needed out. We are both going crazy with this note. We need to figure out who took her.

We shifted and ran until we couldn't feel our paws anymore. When I arrived back at the pack house Drake met me at the door.

"Alpha we have something." he said urgently

"Show me now".

I followed him down to the cells. I smelt fresh blood, I haven't had a prisoner down here in a few years. Everyone was afraid to cross me, or my pack. We turned the corner and I saw a man in the corner of the cell standing there not afraid. He was just staring at us, arms crossed over chest. His cell light was still turned off and all I could see was these blue green eyes staring back at me. There was something familiar in his eyes. I turned on the light and was a little taken back. Something about him seemed familiar. I could not place my finger on it and he didn't smell rogue like those who took Aryah.

"Who are you?" I simply just asked.

"Thats funny your asking arent you supposed to torture me or something along those lines''. He said back to me.

"I would but my wolf senses something about you, you seem familiar and my wolf dont see you as a threat". I told him honestly.

"Well at least your wolf is smart. I guess my name is Jax". he told me his name is weird. I need to figure out what.

"Who took my Mate, my Luna, Aryah"? I said with more authority.

"I should be asking you that. It seems you and I are after the same thing".
"Why are you looking for my mate". I snarled at him.

"Woah cool your jets there Alpha it is not like that."

"Then why are you after her?"

"She's my younger half sister on my fathers side."

I stood there in shock. brother , she didn't even know she had a brother or she would have told me wouldn't have. Then I saw it. A few similarities as my mate. How could this be. I had Drake open the cells and let him out.

"Follow me we have work to do."

"Of course your highness."

"Now I definitely see the resemblance."

"What would that be."

"The sarcasm except her is sexy, yours is annoying."

"Eww okay ill stop egging you on."

We reached the pack house and went into my office where i went through all my past files of anything that would make me recognize the man who took her from me. I couldn't find anything. I was getting more mad by the second.

"Calm your wolf Alpha Damon we can't help her this way." her brother tried to calm me.

What he said next shocked me. "I think i know who can help us." I raised an eyebrow in question. "My father." my jaw dropped Aryah's father was here.

I waited outside staring into the stars praying to the moon Goddess. "Please watch over her, protect her, let her know I am coming for her, Please don't take her away from me Goddess please."

"You know she wouldn't want you to give up on her." i turned and was met by who looks like both Jax and Aryah. "Hello my name is Allen and I am their father." 

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