Crossing Enemy Lines

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We are now headed to their pack. My wolf and I are both on edge. We need to protect them all and I don't want them to lose.

'All teams are we close to the borders?' I asked through the mind link.

'Yes' from everyone in charge.

'Dad you in place, can you see the entrance to the cells.' I asked , hoping he was in control of his wolf.

'Yes Aryah I am here but I don't sense her or Lilliana's presence.' he was afraid.

Where could they be?

'Aryah I don't have a good feeling, something is off.' Damon shouted through the link but I couldn't focus. My senses run wild but keep my powers in control.

"Luna, Alpha some of them pack our circling us on the north we must attack now, if not they will have the advantage." i heard a warrior through the link.

All of a sudden the sirens of Jack's pack house rang loud. They knew we were here but how. Fights began to break out on the north end and I began to try to sneak my way toward the pack house. All of a sudden I heard screaming, when I turned to the sound two warriors stood before me.

"You betrayed our Alpha, our Pack. You deserve Death." one spoke he believed the loyalty he spewed. Without hesitation they attacked. They wasted no efforts. They were trained well. One grabbed my arms from behind, the other began stalking me to death in his eyes. As he closed the distance I used the strength of the other jumped up and kicked him right in the face, causing the one holding me and myself to fall backwards. In no time I slipped up and started throwing punches. One hit to the temple the one laid their out cold, so now finally one down and one left to go. As the warrior saw his pack member laying on the ground he came charging and turned into his dark brown wolf . With so much anger clouding his judgement left too much room for errors. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and and his tail and launched him into a nearby tree. As I gained my composure I looked to the fields and saw everyone fighting but no deaths yet. Out of nowhere we heard a treacherous growl. Everyone stopped fighting and turned to the direction the growl came from. There stood Jack with Ariel and Lara on the ground. I couldn't help the growl that came from my throat, the anger inside me rising.

Damon's POV

As Aryah growled I felt her anger and saw Ariel laying on the ground with all the other wolves. I couldn't tell if she had a heartbeat. Lara was on the ground next to her trying to hold Ariel to the best of her ability. I then saw a Black and White wolf approaching Aryah, I knew it was Allen.

'Don't lose control Allen that is what he wants, Aryah try to control yourself please.'

I begged them knowing him as an Alpha was trying to trap them. He then spoke.

"Choose Aryah." What he is talking about Aryah looks as confused as me.

"Choose between Ariel and Lara one lives one dies, who knows one may already be close to death." Aryah growled again and I could feel her emotions running wild. I felt the earth began to shake and roots coming out of the ground before she could do anything with him he laughed at her. "Fine then too late." he took daggers and stabbed both Ariel and Lara. Within seconds of stabbing them he and his warriors disappeared.They were now on the opposite side watching their plan falling into place destroying Aryah the only way he could. Damn it they must have had witches help. We ran as fast as we could. Allen grabbing Ariel and Aryah grabbing Lara. The pain running through the bond was so strong. She couldn't contain her tears. I don't know why but I mindlinked Allen. 'This is not right the goddess told Aryah one would fall not both. Allen moved from Ariel and let Aryah hold them both. I don't know why but please just do it.' and he didn't question he let aryah hold both her mothers. What happened next was unbelievable.

Aria's POV

"mama , mom please don't leave me I need you, I need you both please don't leave me.'' The sorrow and pain was real. I was losing everything I was fighting for. The goddess's words ring in my head. "Remember my child one will rise one will fall."

It was not choosing I needed to let fate choose. I grabbed both their hands and thought of all the love in the world, everything that was bright light into this world of darkness. A bright light appeared in our hands. Ariels shined brighter than Lara's. When the light finally dimmed Ariel gasped for air looking over at Lara. she scurried over to her listening to lara speak. "You saved me Ariel, you took my punishments. Aryah i love you more than sun loves the moon without each other the world will fall. I have had my lifetime with you and I wouldn't change it. This is my choice. I give my essence to save Ariel. It is her time to be free as it was yours." "Mama please i love you." "I love you my dear now save this world and live your life and get a chance with her you both deserve it. I am going home now with the goddess. I will always be watching over you baby." with that i grabbed her and held her to my chest as she took her last breath. I looked over at Ariel who was in tears herself and hugged her.

"Momma before we go kick some ass i want you to know i have a surprise for you." she looked at me confused "What surprise baby". "Just wait you'll see after we win this battle are you ready mom." when i said those words her smile was bigger than i have ever seen. Mama lara gave her life for us to have a chance at a mother daughter relationship and for us to win this war which is exactly what i am going to do. She will not die in vain.

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