Who I am

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Above pic is how I picture Damon mother.

Last night so much happened but I have a positive outlook. Damon has to do anything I say for 18 more hours. He looks so handsome sleeping.

"Take a pic babe last longer." His voice groggy due to sleep. I hit him with pillow.

"You know I think I would love if you make us breakfast big breakfast."

I said in a cutesy voice and he gave me a are you kidding me look. "You know the rules baby." He groaned and headed downstairs yes it is only 5am. I have a plan to this madness. I hurried up got dressed and headed down stairs joined by Shelly and Karlee. Man am I lucky, we turned the corner and he had made Pancakes, eggs, bacon, oh I think I am in love. We all sat down to eat and Damon was just eyeing us, probably wondering what we are up to. Afterwards he took all dishes and loaded them in dishwasher and began to stretch and yawn. I walked to him smiling so innocently. 

"Babe what are you up to?" he asked eyeing me in a way that makes me think he is checking me out.

"oh nothing so you go back to bed and do not worry, or anything until you wake." I said playfully yet firmly. 

He shook his head and laughed, '' Okay but believe me Aryah Dawn this is not a game you want to play.'' he was inches from face. I could feel the heat of his breath on my cheek. he knew what he was doing when he leaned in for a kiss but yet pulled away and smiled.

"okay girls did you get them the message?" 

"Yes Aryah we did." Shelly said while yawning.

"Exactly all women are going to be on the training grounds in fifteen minutes." Karlee said standing in a soldier position. 

shelly stared at us in a i am not a morning person face, "Why are we training so early?"

"He has me training the women today and i want us to get done before them so they are alone and can focus and because I have plans. Do not ask I will not answer."

So we headed out and began our training. hand to hand combat for one hour, then wolf form for another hour. I taught them maneuvers to use on a bigger opponent. "Alright Ladies you have done good to end the training we will run 10 miles in human form with no help from our wolves than we will run 10 more in wolf form. As we took off i seen Damon, Drake, and Charlie watching us from the back porch . Damon staring at me with wondering eyes. Him and Drake goofing off. 

'Damon dear if you keep that up I don't know how long I will be able to hold off fulfilling the mating process.' I mind linked him in a seductive manner.

with that he got distracted and Drake got the upper hand and shouted "Thanks Luna." I waved and continued the rest of our training. As we finished the men begin. I kissed Damon on the cheek ran off to get my journal i have not touched since MAMA gave it to me. with the book I headed to the waterfall to clear my head i did let Karlee know where I was going incase Damon got worried and possessive crazy.

I sat at the waterfall edge and started reading.

"My Dearest Aryah, you are only a few months from showing your beautiful face in the world. I can not wait to meet you. I am sorry for having given you away but I would rather watch you from afar than his evil hands kill you." she continued telling me what I know now about being a midnight wolf. "you get that from your father. I lied to Jack he is not dead Aryah your father is still alive and how I miss him I was his second chance mate but before we marked each other Jack showed up I tried to reject him so he force his mark upon me. I am sorry Aryah please forgive me." I could not read anymore for I was enraged this whole time my father is alive I have a father somewhere in this world. All because a jealous power hungry fucking Alpha I lost what family I could of had. All these thoughts keep roaring through my mind. 

Then I felt it a sharp pain in my neck. I jumped up to see what happened but my legs felt like jello. I hit the ground the world was spinning then my eyes started to close I could not force them to remain open. Before I was our I mind linked Karlee, "help please send help." And with that I was out pure darkness consuming me.

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